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作者&投稿:慕周 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1;在患难的日子 胆怯就是弱者.
The timid means the weak during the trials and tribulations.
2 .善于深思熟虑的头脑 如同一堵精雕细刻的坚固墙壁.
The brain when used considerably is likened to a fortified wall carved in fine craftsmanship .
(介词用in :如:then we carved the statue with the special graver in fine craftsmanship,(当时我们用特制的雕刻刀用精湛的技艺雕刻了那个雕像)在一般表示动作的句子中,with 表示干活用的具体工具,in表示干活用的方法或看不见的某种“具体”的工具如 :in this way ,in English, in ink 等等)
3. 一个追求知识的学者必须有学习的时间 必须从诸般事务中摆脱出来.
A scholar who pursues knowledge must possess time to learn it and must get rid of too much of something insignificant .
4. 忍耐使灵魂宁静 依靠坚忍渡过困难时期
Exercising patience makes the soul be tranquillity , and going through the hard period needs perseverance .
5 . 有些人保持沉默是因为无话可说 有些人保持沉默是因为懂得说话要适时.
Some keep silence due to nothing to say .some keep silence due to knowing when to say .

你好,可翻译为:Hi,everybody!Today I am going to make you all guess riddles.I think English is so interesting with these words.If we study hard,we will be bound to know more interesting English words,so let`s come on!满意速速采纳,谢谢合作!

Hello, everyone, today I want you to guess the riddles.
Through these words, I think English is very interesting, if we study hard, can know more interesting English words, let's go.

Hi, everyone! Today I have some riddles for you to guess.
I think English is very interesting through these words, if we study hard, we could know more interesting and brilliant words. Let us all try hard!

Everybody is good, today I want to let you guess some riddles.
With these words, I think English is very interesting, if we study hard, can know more interesting English words, let us cheer

答:你好,可翻译为:Hi,everybody!Today I am going to make you all guess riddles.I think English is so interesting with these words.If we study hard,we will be bound to know more interesting English words,so let`s come on!满意速速采纳,谢谢合作!

答:1 When did you join the English club?2 Tom is going to join the army when he grows up 3 He took part in the Spoken English Competition last year 4 She is just an 18-year-old girl,but she become the first Chinese to win this award 5 The bag is too heavy,I can't m...

答:1.In some ways,Tom is much smarter than me.2.In other ways,we look like the same.3.Both of the two girls are good at speaking english.Both this girl and that girl are good at speaking english.These two girls are both good at speaking english.4.Mary and Rose are both b...

答:Stay at home as much as possible, don't go to places have too many people often.2. 勤洗手,讲卫生 Washs your hands thoroughly, observe sanitation.3. 多开窗,保持空气新鲜 Keep the windows open, ensure flow of fresh air.4. 多吃水果蔬菜 Eat more fruits and vegetables....

答:5,反对超人类主义 人们可以将这种前科学归功于艾努尔:不懂得意识形态知识(如超人类主义)的他,在1965指出,科技的发展将会导致一种“人类新的解体和完全重组,以致于他至少能成为技术的目标(当然也能成为完全的客体)”。一个可能被写入超人类主义拥护者们的更宏伟的声明中的后果就是,在效果上,...

答:Work:I would like to do something actively because i have a strong sense of responsbility and an ability of study.Life:I have a good life habit.For example,listen to the music,read books and travel around.I always take part in some suitable exercise to keep my health.I ...

《英语好的亲们 几个英译中~》
答:1.bring about 1). 带来,引来,引起,导致,产生,使发生;造成;实现;带来…的结果;开始:2). 【航海学】使(船)掉过头来,使(船)改变方向:2. 探索世界 3. 一股强大的海上势力 4. 统治海洋 5. 一艘笨重的船 6. 携带很多货物 7. 不久前 8. 荷兰殖民地 9. 我们生活在一个机器开始...

答:1 在春天绽放的栅栏 2 慢慢死去,慢慢消失 3 在牧场周围建起了很宽的栅栏 4 清理土地 5阻止...做某事 6破坏土地 7在...的帮助下 8沿着河向上游

答:1、living at the foot of a little mountain。2、which kind of live in 3、let us eat too much 4、invite her dad to watch movies with her very intersting 5、forty floors on the ninth floor ^ ^

答:1The government announced this plan to the public 2The parents point out that it is dangerous to go outside alone at night 3.On the one hand I want to sell the house;on the other hand I don't want to live with my parents 4 Even though a child were cloned...

