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亲们,帮忙把这几个句子翻译成英语.. 请帮忙把这几个句子翻译成英语,谢谢

作者&投稿:宦巩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Is there anything lead the fashion trend?
Do the local people speak english?
Is there any traditional food
Is there any linn or any green meadow?
Will you offer a perfect treatment?


KEY club is one of VisualArt's brands.

The original version of the game Kanon was launched on June 4, 1999.

In 2002, it is adapted to animated TV series.

The theme of AIR is summer.

AIR tells about a legend of a man with wings living through thousands of years.

6、这三部作品经常被合称为 KEY 社催泪三部曲
The three films are often known collectively as KEY club's sob trilogy.

1. 尽量呆在家里,少去人多的地方
Stay at home as much as possible, don't go to places have too many people often.
2. 勤洗手,讲卫生
Washs your hands thoroughly, observe sanitation.
3. 多开窗,保持空气新鲜
Keep the windows open, ensure flow of fresh air.
4. 多吃水果蔬菜
Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Try to stay at home and don't go to crowded places.

Wash your hands thoroughly, observe sanitation.

Keep the windows open, ensure flow of fresh air.

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

1. Try to stay at home to more people, less
2. Wash hands, speak hygiene
3 many Windows, keep fresh air
4. Eat more fruit vegetables

1:stay at home as much as possible, don't go to places have too many people often.
2:wash hands more, keep hygiene
3:open window often, keep the air fresh
4:eat veges(vegetables) and fruits more

答:I finished reading the rest of the book yesterday evening.She was so afraid that she could barely fall asleep.At first it was hard for me to pronounce words accurately.

答:亲们。The kiss.有我吴亚细的祝福。I have WuYaXi blessing.一定。Certainly.都要狠幸福。To malicious happiness.一定。Certainly.比谁都开心。Who are happy than.一定。Certainly.比谁都乐观。Better than anyone else.拉勾勾。Pull hook.么么。加油。 Yao? Refueling The kiss.I have WuYaXi ...

答:felt in international trade and gobalization now. At least today, the powerful are now being held acountable for the effects their economic behaviors have on others.当前法治开始在国际贸易和全球化中展示它的力量。至少在今天,大国正在承担其经济行为对他国的影响。老师翻译,希望有用。

答:Jewish Bible "Talmud", said: "If the world is the United States, nine points in Jerusalem." "Jerusalem, ah, if I forgot you, let my hand residues; if you were not my greatest joy, let my tongue silent." "Bible" it describes Jerusalem. Some say: if a very unhappy world...

答:On the other hand,Make sb. Uncomfortable,Feel better,... The balance,considering,thinking,a holiday without pressure,feel tired,have fun

《亲们!谁外贸英语牛逼的!~帮忙翻译五句句子啊!~急那!~是 英翻中 哦!亲...》
答:随涵附上我方关于将于十月装船的500套永久牌自行车的形式发票,一式两份,发票号:第3419号,在此,我方提请贵方此发票有效期至九月一日.5. 1.We confirm having cabled you the firm offer for the the good as follows which is subject to your acceptance reaching us before 20th Sept.我方确认...

答:【翻译结果】Reasons because the network is only now give you back to e-mail. Festival for the first shipment is October 13. If you want to set October 13 sailing requested a single transmission entrusted to me. Now give you a number of....

答:您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:如果,婚礼能够真在教堂举行那该有多好。两个人彼此手牵手,宣誓,交换戒指。我希望我的老公能比自己高上半头,那样的话,他就可以很容易的亲吻我的额头了。我看着别人结婚的样子,真的好羡慕。翻译:If, wedding can really held...

答:That why I genuflect is because that I want to stand up.

答:This article discussed from advantages and disadvantages of politeness principle in the application of the business english,to illustrate the importance of politeness principle in the application of the business english.建议你先在线翻译,然后根据它进行修改,我已经帮你改好了,应该没什么问题 ...

