感悟网 导航


作者&投稿:都苏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

For now on I'll let myself be better for you.


put aside for a rainy day.攒了一点钱,以备万一.

1 在春天绽放的栅栏
2 慢慢死去,慢慢消失
3 在牧场周围建起了很宽的栅栏
4 清理土地

1. 春天开满鲜花的栅栏
2. 灭绝,死光
3. 在牧场周围围起宽宽的围栏
4. 翻地,开垦荒地
5. 阻止...做某事
6. 毁掉土地
7. 在...的帮助下
8. 逆流而上游泳

答:In a afternoon, some woman was laid up with an illness on the bed,his pet dog its name is called George, it saw its master get sick Opened the door to walk bites a passer-by in the street on with the mouth to pull the passer-by to its house in ` that passer-by ...

答:真是不少啊,自己翻的,希望帮到你 英译汉 1.首先他给鱼通电,使其完全静止,再迅速减少电力,让鱼可以游动 2.一开场,他就向空中扔了一个含有爆炸物的袋子引起了大爆炸 3.约翰定了些鲜花,并让店员确保所送的花中确实附带一张告诉他很爱她妈妈的卡片 4.约翰祈祷生意一切都好,他看了看店员...

答:1. To begin with English, I find it difficult to pronounce words well at first, but later on, I find it interesting to learn English.2. He is afraid that his classmates might laught at him, so he doesn't speak English in class.3. Through a lot of listening practice and ...

答:One day, parents send me to school. Although I was wearing new clothes but I am not very happy, I think that parents sent me to school me in the punishment. There are many trees on the playground, there are many with the boys and girls my age. Bell rang, a lady came ...

《请英语好的进来 谢谢 帮忙翻译下》

《英语好的同学帮帮忙啦~谢谢谢谢嘞 翻译成英语,要有括号里的词。》
答:because he has a sense of justice.5.汤姆叔叔在病中,所以现在我们不想让他知道这个消息。(let...in on)Uncle Tom is ill, so we can't let him in on 6.一个好的上司应当鼓励他的助手坦率地发表意见。(be outspoken)a good superior should encourage his assistant to be outspoken....

答:23.如果你不知道怎样用电脑,你最好和我们一起去学。You'd better to learn how to use computer if you don't know it.24.我已做好了回答问题的准备。I'm ready to answer the questions.25.听到这个(消息)我很高兴。I am very glad to hear this.26.我非常高兴你通过了考试。I'm ...

答:I grew up with friends. Ha 7 at the end of waiting for a final end of the subtitles, but never appeared directly on trailer, was a little disappointed, but on second thought, yeah, in our hearts," Potter Harry. " the story does not end, but never.参考资料:百度翻译 ...

答:Anything is product idea the product idea is take the product as the center, attracts the management philosophy which through the enhancement or the improvement product quality and the function the customer purchases. the product idea is one kind of early enterprise manages the idea. ...

答:From Agincourt to Waterloo 从阿金库尔到滑铁卢战役 Poitiers and then anjou 从普瓦捷然后到安茹战役 The Roses War,the Hundred Years 蔷薇战争,百年的战争 Through battlefields of blood and tears 穿越洒满献血泪水的战场 From Bosworth Field to Pointe Du Hoc 从博斯沃思菲尔德战役来到奥克角 Stalingra...

