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作者&投稿:郭录 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

BBC News with Iain Purdon

The International Committee of the Red Cross says the Syrian government has given it permission to enter the besieged district of Baba Amr in Homs tomorrow just hours after opposition fighters retreated. Carla Mardini is a spokeswoman for the ICRC in Geneva.
"We'll be bringing in food and medical aid. As to the figures of the teams, this is being organised right now, so I can't give you more. We also don't have the figures of how many people were seriously wounded or dead. We'll have to see what the situation is on the spot . It's a priority for us to enter so we can assess the situation on the ground and decide how we're going to respond the most efficiently and the most rapidly."
Earlier, opposition fighters in Homs announced that they were staging what they called a " tactical withdrawal" from Baba Amr. It's been a major opposition stronghold and has faced weeks of heavy shelling from government forces with reports of hundreds of deaths. Syrian officials say the army is now in control of the area.
In another development, the United Nations Security Council has unanimously demanded immediate humanitarian access to Syria, and the statement was backed by China and Russia, who until now have resisted any moves to condemn Syria or take action against it. Jane O'Brien reports from Washington.
国际红十字委员会(ICRC)称,反对派武装人员撤退后,叙利亚政府已允许该组织进入受困的胡姆斯巴巴阿姆鲁地区。Carla Mardini是ICRC驻日内瓦女发言人。
同时,联合国安理会一致同意迅速向叙利亚提供人道主义援助,中国和俄罗斯都支持该声明,不过这两国目前仍反对任何谴责叙利亚的言论和行动。Jane O'Brien在华盛顿报道

Japan releases Taiwan fishing boat, crew

Japan released a Taiwan fishing boat and its crew on Tuesday after seizing them Monday, Taiwan media reported.
The vessel, "Tung Sheng Chi 16", from Pingdong in southern Taiwan, had turned back as one of its mainland fisherman had had an asthma attack, when it was chased and seized early Monday by a Japanese vessel in waters near Okinotori Atoll, some 1,700 kilometers south of Tokyo.
Japanese personnel boarded the boat and took the captain to the Japanese ship where he was held.
The captain has not returned to the fishing boat yet and the condition of the fishermen, including the sick man, was unclear, said a source with the local fishermen’s association in Pingdong on Tuesday afternoon.
Representatives of fishermen’s associations across the island are expected to protest outside the office of the Japanese interchange association in Taipei on Wednesday.
After Japan’s seizure of the boat, Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou urged Japan to release the ship and people on board as soon as possible, claiming that Japanese behavior in the disputed water was "unacceptable."

President Obama said Sunday that he would be “angry” if accusations prove true that his Secret Service agents hired prostitutes, while congressional Republicans called for investigations of the scandal that exploded over the weekend and overshadowed the president’s three-day Summit of the Americas trip to Colombia.
In a news conference in Cartagena before he departed, Mr. Obama said the charges, if true, would dishonor both the U.S. and the agency charged with his protection.
“If it turns out some of the allegations that have been made in the press are confirmed, then, of course, I’ll be angry,” Mr. Obama said in his first public comments on the incident.
“We represent the United States,” the president said. “When we travel to another country, I expect them to observe the highest standards because we’re not just representing ourselves. We’re here on behalf of our people. … Obviously, what’s been reported does not match up with those standards.”
Republicans went further Sunday, saying the reports of agents’ bringing hookers to their hotel before Mr. Obama’s arrival made the agents vulnerable to blackmail and could still be threatening the president’s security.
Rep. Peter T. King, New York Republican and chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said he has directed his staff to launch an “immediate investigation” and likely will hold a hearing on the matter.
“They leave themselves open to threats, to blackmail,” Mr. King told “Fox News Sunday.”
The Secret Service relieved 11 agents from duty in Colombia and sent them home amid accusations that some of them brought prostitutes to their rooms at the Hotel Caribe, a luxury beachfront hotel, prior to Mr. Obama’s arrival on Friday. Prostitution is legal in Colombia in what are called “tolerated zones,” where the hotel was located.
Rep. Darrell E. Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said the agency’s leadership needs to be held accountable and intimated that the weekend incident wasn’t the first.
“The investigation will not be about the 11 to 20 or more involved; it will be about how has this happened and how often has this happened before,” Mr. Issa, California Republican, said on CBS‘ “Face the Nation.” “Things like this don’t happen once.”
The incident came to light when one of the agents reportedly had a prostitute in his room past the hotel’s 7 a.m. curfew for overnight “guests.” It’s unclear whether the agent got into a dispute with the prostitute over her fee, or got into an argument with a hotel employee over paying an extra charge for an overnight guest. Police were called, and the U.S. Embassy was notified.
Cavorting with prostitutes and other forms of illicit sex or vice have long been considered unacceptable behavior for men in security-sensitive jobs, with terms such as “honey trap” and “mata hari” entering the lexicon.
Three Hotel Caribe waiters told the Associated Press in Colombia that about a dozen U.S. government workers, who they presumed were the Secret Service agents, had been drinking heavily for a week. One waiter said their apparent supervisor scolded the team on the hotel’s back terrace Thursday, after which the men left the hotel.
The scandal also widened Sunday, when U.S. Southern Command took disciplinary action against five U.S. service members in relation to the incident for violating curfew.
Gen. Douglas Fraser, commander of the Southern Command, said in a statement that he was “disappointed by the entire incident and that this behavior is not in keeping with the professional standards expected of members of the United States military.”

“我们代表美国,”总统说。 “当我们旅行到另一个国家,我希望他们遵守的最高标准,因为我们不仅仅代表自己。我们在这里代表我们的人民。显然,什么报道不符合这些标准。“

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