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It has been an ambitious project. Laying a 17,000 kilometre fibre optic cable under the sea linking Europe and Asia with East and Southern Africa. Seacom, a Mauritius-based company, is today officially launching the arrival of a fast broadband internet service in Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique and South Africa. It should be commercially available in a few weeks’ time. Three other fibre optic cables are due to become operational soon including one which is backed by the Kenyan government. In theory the region could be on the brink of an internet revolution. But it all depends how well the service is rolled out across the region.

'Heroic' Health Worker Becomes Second U.S. Ebola Case

Officials were decontaminating a Dallas, Texas apartment block Sunday after a health worker tested positive for Ebola in the second U.S. case of the virus. The worker had cared for dying Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan at the city's Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.
The worker, who was not identified, is in a stable condition. Confirmatory testing of the worker will be conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, the statement from the Texas Department of State Health Services said.
"That healthcare worker is a heroic person who provided care to Mr Duncan," Dallas Judge Clay Jenkin told a news conference.
Eighty other employees are now being monitored for signs of the disease while 48 others who had contact with Duncan will be interviewed by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Steps were being taken to ensure that the infected worker's apartment - and neighbors - were clear of the virus. Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings said neighbors would be visited by officials to provide reassurance.
At least one other person has been placed in isolation as a precaution.
"We knew a second case could be a reality, and we've been preparing for this possibility," said Dr. David Lakey, commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services. "We are broadening our team in Dallas and working with extreme diligence to prevent further spread."
President Barack Obama has been informed of the development

President Obama is practicing a new brand of foreign relations, appearing to flirt with Thailand’s attractive prime minister on his first stop of his three-day tour of Southeast Asia。美国总统奥巴马正在实践一种新型外交手段。在为期三天的东南亚三国访问中,他第一站到访的是泰国,与迷人的泰国美女总理英拉看来相谈甚欢,被指有“打情骂俏”之嫌。
  The president and Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra could be seen laughing together and exchanging playful glances through a state dinner at the Government House in Bangkok on Sunday。周日在曼谷举行的招待国宴上,奥巴马总统与泰国总理英拉·西那瓦被拍到一起大笑,两人“眉来眼去”。
 And just hours later, Obama jetted to Myanmar, where he was picturedlavishing affection on Aung San Suu Kyi, the pro-democracy leader who was under house arrest for two decades following her fight for democracy。几个小时后,奥巴马乘坐喷气式飞机前往缅甸,在与缅甸反对派领袖昂山素季的合照中,奥巴马似乎不吝表达对她的赞赏之情。昂山素季因为支持和争取民主而曾被软禁了近20年。
  He was joined in Thailand by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. They then visited Myanmar - also known as Burma - and Cambodia, making him the first U.S. president to step foot in either country。陪同奥巴马前往泰国的还有美国国务卿希拉里,随后他们一同前往缅甸和柬埔寨访问。奥巴马也是美国历史上首位出访缅甸和柬埔寨的总统。
  He said it is 'no accident' that he planned his first foreign trip to Asia after winning re-election. Speaking at a news conference on Sunday in Bangkok, Obama emphasized that the U.S. is a 'Pacific nation.'奥巴马说他在获得连任后的首次出访地点就选在亚洲,这绝非偶然。周日在泰国首都曼谷举行的新闻发布会上,奥巴马强调美国是一个“太平洋国家”。
  The president's visit made quite an impression on Thailand, and he visited the Temple of Reclining Buddha just after arriving in Bangkok。奥巴马的到访给泰国民众留下了很不错的印象。奥巴马在到达曼谷后不久就拜访了著名的卧佛寺。

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