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作者&投稿:召涛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1、Scientists have come up with a mouthwatering invention which could change the lives of chocoholics in the summer - a type of chocolate that does not melt in the heat.

2、The Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs eating contest in New York, July 4, 2006. Kobayashi ate 53 and 3/4 hot dogs to win his sixth championship.

3、Was your father a thief? Because he stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes. Equipped with that pick-up line, you can be certain to score in the universal language of love. So say the authors of a new top 10 list of pick-up lines which have been translated from English into Czech, French, Italian, Spanish and German by the publishers Chambers.
“你的父亲是个小偷吗?因为他从天上偷了星星放在你的眼睛里。”——如果你能说出这样的情话,那你一定可以捕获梦中情人的芳心;近日,英国著名出版社Chambers Harrap用6种语言出版了《10大情话手册》,它们分别是捷克文、法文、意大利文、西班牙文和德文。

4、Survivors of a frog species that was thought to be extinct have been found. The survivors, discovered in the mountains of Columbia, might be the last holdouts of the painted frog (Atelopus ebenoides marinkellei). Scientists are now racing to protect them.

rule out:排除可能性
on the sidelines of :非正式会议


the officials had ruled out a major announcement on the pact in Beijing

国家and国家 met on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Beijing

国家and国家 in ice-breaker talks

答:”McCain is looking to regain momentum in Colorado and several other so-called swing or battleground states that will determine who wins the election.麦凯恩正在科罗拉多州和其他几个所谓的摇摆不定或者竞争激烈的战场州恢复前进动力,这些州将决定哪位候选人入主白宫。</TD></TR> ...


答:—伊朗最亲密的盟友——谴责这次行动的主要是“不可接受的”警方花了几个小时免费外交外交官被扣押的六个建筑物内部的数以百计的抗议者在英国的外交复合在中国北部的资本,美国联邦航空局法规新闻通讯社报导。在大使馆在市中心,一些抗议者文件和使他们分散下车,目击者告诉法新社。一个抗议 ...

答:这个周日,中国女队维护了自己的世界乒乓球团队冠军的地位,以3-0轻松战胜俄罗斯。在C组,中国香港几乎不费吹灰之力以3-0击败白俄罗斯,奥地利以相同分数打败西班牙,德国则以3-1扳倒泰国 。

答:Hainan strengthen disaster prevention and control work has not appeared yet epidemic disease海南加强灾区疾病防治工作 尚未出现疫情 This afternoon, hainan prevention disaster relief work TongBaoHui media health centers for disease control in the province.今天下午,海南省卫生厅救灾防病工作媒体通报...

答:According to the report of The New York post of American, A host of the United States of America entertainment and sports program was suspended for 30 days since using racial discrimination sentence on New York team star Jeremy Lin while living a NBA match the other day ....

答:标题:Alive and kicking Two weeks ago he already made an attempt, but on Monday the 1st of June he made did it and Sharon gave birth to Robin Aiden Westerholt.The name by which he is called is Aiden.Aiden is a healthy little man of 2360 grams and 46 cm and was born ...

答:one day passers-by heard a woman screaming in a field outside the town and ran to her aid, grabbing a man called lawan hassan as he attacked her, police spokeman salisu sirajo said.有一天,几位路人听到镇外的农田里传来一位妇女的尖叫声,便跑过去帮她,结果在一个名叫拉旺.哈...

答:condition, you are in that condition because of it.其实就是后果、结果的意思。2. 我认为,前面一句到his supporters就结束了,Will he have the last laugh?是另起一句问句,否则讲不通。全文翻译如下:这一冲突结果使得最高委员会丢尽了脸,并且给予他的支持者以希望。他会笑到最后吗?

《帮帮忙 把新闻翻译成英语》
答:Five Chinese tourists who have been drowned in two of the wounded have been disappearing from a dangerous person(标题)Sunday, February 25, 2018, 10:46AM(日期)正文:Five days ago in Thailand Chinese tourist island of Buji Phangnga bay to swim in the sea drowning caused two ...

