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作者&投稿:沃洪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
谁能帮忙翻译一下这段新闻,翻译成英文,急! 十分感谢!!!~

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported that, recently, the United States a "love Daddy" for a year and a half of his daughter made cartoon creative eye caused many users to pay attention to. Originally used to treat eye now becomes Meng da.
It is reported that Jui Rinoiyushu little girl Layla Layla) because of the right eye with congenital cataract must every day for two hours in the left eye wear eye protection to improve eyesight. Her father Jeff Grab (GEOF Grubb) are common eye colour is drab, lack of vitality, they decided to every day to the daughter painting a cartoon goggles, let the interesting cartoon character Layla happy to accompany the growth. It is understood that, as of now, Jeff has made at least 105 eye. The mask patterns are never heavy, from "Star Wars", "The Simpsons", to "apple" company trademarks and so on are the source of his creativity. He put the child wearing goggles and lovely photos to Instagram, attracted more than 1600 fans. Although many cartoon images have been used, but Jeff believes that their own ideas will not dry up.


标题:Alive and kicking

Two weeks ago he already made an attempt, but on Monday the 1st of June he made did it and Sharon gave birth to

Robin Aiden Westerholt.

The name by which he is called is Aiden.

Aiden is a healthy little man of 2360 grams and 46 cm and was born after 32 weeks and 6 days.

Both mother and son are doing well.

You can send your congratulations for Robert & Sharon to AT management, address:

AT Productions B.V.

1e Van der Kunstraat 286

2521 AV The Hague, The Netherlands


罗宾艾登Westerholt 。






1e范德尔Kunstraat 286


《谁能帮忙翻译一下这段新闻,翻译成英文,急! 十分感谢!!!》
答:According to the British "Daily Mail" reported that, recently, the United States a "love Daddy" for a year and a half of his daughter made cartoon creative eye caused many users to pay attention to. Originally used to treat eye now becomes Meng da.It is reported that Jui ...

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