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作者&投稿:柞俭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Worried your boyfriend is never going to propose? Then buy him a calculator.
Mathematicians have come up with a 'fiancee formula' that allows men to work out the perfect time to pop the question.

All he needs is the age he would first consider marrying and hiscut-off point - and the equation does the rest.
Maths professor Anthony Dooley said: 'Applying maths to matters of the heart is always dangerous. In life you are dealing with emotions and have to think much harder.
'But if you want to work out the right moment to start getting serious, this gives you a mathematical framework.'
The formula is based on a statistical technique known as optimal stopping - or the best time to do something.
Professor Dooley's colleague, Professor Bruce Brown, said the formula was a 'reasonable approach' unwittingly followed by many young men, including himself.
Writing in the third person, he said: 'As for the author, he can tell you that, looking back and doing some calculations, he did follow the marriage solution, albeit by accident, and it has worked out perfectly.'
The formula was devised with men in mind but could equally apply to women, including those uncertain about whether to accept a proposal. It could also help nervous men calculate when to avoid the ultimate commitment.
But those who find they have passed the optimal age for proposing should not panic - simply pop the question to the next good prospect who comes along.
Professor Dooley, of New South Wales University in Sydney, added: 'Probability isn't the most romantic basis for a marriage but while the formula won't fit everyone it does seem to fit a lot of couples, whether through accident or design.'

我再也不理他了!我心里一直这样重复着!下了早读,我一个人坐在座位上生气。 “喂,你过来一下!”我仰头一看,哼,没错,正是龚原,他正笑嘻嘻地看着我。 “你可不可以出来一下?”他平和地说。我本想说不,但又想:看他有什么花招,我出去瞧瞧,反正他有不吃了我!于是,我起身和他走出了教室。他把我带到走廊的一边,这儿人不多。只见龚原笑着从口袋里掏出一个折了几次的小纸团,样子神秘兮兮的。“说好了,要等我走了才能看,一定哟!”他小心翼翼地把纸团给了我,我刚一接过来,他就飞快地闪了。我慢慢打开了纸团。我一看,傻了眼。天呀!上面写了大约800多个“对不起”,每一个书写都那么工整,密密麻麻地布满了整张纸。我的泪水又涌上来了,不过它是快乐的。

Hainan strengthen disaster prevention and control work has not appeared yet epidemic disease海南加强灾区疾病防治工作 尚未出现疫情
This afternoon, hainan prevention disaster relief work TongBaoHui media health centers for disease control in the province.今天下午,海南省卫生厅救灾防病工作媒体通报会在省疾控中心举行。

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China launched a large-scale tree-planting program against
soil-erosion along the Three-Gorge Dam section of the country's largest Yangtze River Friday, with two launching ceremonies held in Beijing and Chongqing, simultaneously.

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