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作者&投稿:箕伊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This school pays great attention to practice, has the bilingual education, the excellent surroundings, the teachers strength is abundant, is in the German leading position in the engineering course domain.

6。这个虚拟境界只有成倍成倍的有线metacity 21世纪的情景。

1、Are associations the main social circle for you in universities?
(Or:Did you make the majority friends from associations?)
2、Do you think that it would help to handle your relationships to join the associations or the matches?


1. Are clubs your main social circle in school (university)?
(Or: Are most of your friends from clubs in school?)
2. Do you think joining school club activities and school competitions help you with handling your personal relationships?


Society is that you in school (university) where the main social circle do
Do you think that group activities or school to participate in the game right you handle your personal relationships, help?

1. Society is that you in school (university) where the main social circle do?
(Or: You handed the majority of friends who are as a society do? 0)

2. Do you think to participate in group activities or school game you deal with personal relationships, help?

答:4.他不喜欢讲英语,以为他怕出错。(afraid)5.那女孩子是否已长大能给自己穿衣服了呢?(dress)6.他们把她打到在地,抢走了她的金项链。(rob)7.他在写字台前坐下,开始写文章。(seat)8.这件外衣可以保护你不受风寒。(protect)9.如果门前没人开,去敲后门试试看。(try)翻译:1. You...

答:longer?12 禽兽,放开那个女孩。 You,beast! Let go that girl!13 少年,这不管你的事,滚! Guy,None of your business,get out!14 你竟然杀了他。 I'm so sad that you should kill her!翻译时尽量考虑到口语化,风趣性,有符合英语语法规范。希望有所帮助。如果满意,采纳哟……亲!

《10句中译英!急求翻译大神翻译 英语~》
答:1 This film has bad influence on children 2 please call me when it's difficult for you to make decision 3 There is no other choice for you to get high grade but study hard,4In the last E-mail, Jack asked me whether my English had made progress 5Parents should teach t...

答:about the culture of other places as well.4.我非常真诚的希望可以获得参加这次夏令营的机会。I sincerely hope I can be awarded this chance to participate in the summer camp.自己翻译的,觉得这样说比较地道、尽量用了简单常见的词,希望对你有帮助 :)加油 o(^_^)o、希望你被录取!

《急求英语翻译几句话 不要翻译机翻的 很简单的几句话 拜托了!越快越好...》
答:decorated Christams trees in the streets, some people even wear cute Christmas suits, vey funny.我英语水平也不太好,只是尽能力帮你翻了,你最好自己再查一查,应该不会有很严重的语法错误,希望能帮到你。还有“装饰的漂漂亮亮的圣诞树”这句,我实在不知道怎么翻,你再看看吧。

答:1、Are associations the main social circle for you in universities?(Or:Did you make the majority friends from associations?)2、Do you think that it would help to handle your relationships to join the associations or the matches?自己原创,不知对你有没有帮助 ...

答:1. 凡是听到他不幸的遭遇的人无不深表同情。Whoever hear about his bad luck,they show sad for them.2. 她提出这个问题是出于好奇心而不是出于求知欲。She ask this question because she was curious instead she really want to know.3. 他努力搞他科研,深信在不久的将来会成名。He work ...

答:1) In a good one university, specifically four of the 100 percent pass rate is. I am on a normal two, their own children than others, first stage, more efforts should be made.2) carrying the headphones, listening to the Morning Reading English sleep, in particular, like the ...

答:第一句:如果你还有什么需要,请跟我说.Please feel free to let me know any of your requirement.第二句:你看到JANE了吗?我想跟他说些事.have you seen Jane?i'd like to talk to him something.第三句:你可以帮我把这张卡片交给他吗?will you help me pass this card to him?第四句:...

答:台湾问题应尽快解决,我们没有必要学会等待。Taiwan problem should be solved as soon as possible.It's not need to us to waite.2.手机可以用来收发短信,何不留个信给他?The mobile phones dan_send and receive message. Why not text to him?3.美国人吃很多白菜和土豆,确实如此且德国人...

