感悟网 导航


作者&投稿:任竹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语翻译 几句话~

I chose your esteemed company for three reasons .Firstly,My major is communication engineering,which is related to this position your company provides so that I can put my skills to work building up the company employing me. Secondly, I live in XX, if I work here,from now on it's very convenient for me to contact and meet my families. Finally, as a large enterprise,your company will be a great platform for me to use my skills fully,I can identify.

Today's class, the teacher gave us an overview of "Wuthering Heights" This masterpiece, tells the two men and a woman love story, plot twists and turns are vivid. Then let our panel discussion, followed by the lesson behind the continued translation of text paragraphs.

1.不要说谎话 Don't lie.
2.不要有太多的欲望 Don't want too much.
3.为人民服务Sever for the people.

1.Don’t say a lie.
2.Do not have so many desires.
3.Serve for the people.

1.不要说谎话 Do not lying
2.不要有太多的欲望 The desire not to have too many
3.为人民服务Serving the people

Don't lie.

Don't have too much desire.

Be people's servant.


Don't lie

Don't have too many desires

Serves for the people

Don't tell lies.
Don't desire too much.
Serve the people.(serve不及物,楼上错了)

答:2、工作无借口; Task without excuse!(这里的工作应当是任务,完成工作无借口的意思)3、细节决定成败, Detail determine your success or failure.(见后附参考文献)4、以上司为榜样, Your boss behavior is your example.(以你老板的行为为准则,我见过外企是这样说的)5、荣誉原则, Credit is the...

答:1.1Don't go, i simply hope you can be together with me in peace for the rest of life.1.2Don't go, i simply hope you can accompany me in peace all the rest of life.1.3Don't go, i simply hope you can be by my side peacefully until the end of life.2.答应我,...

答:1、如果我们一起合作,或许我们能想出一个好故事 译文:If we work together, maybe we can come up with a good story.2、外星人向她展示从现在起一千年以后世界看起来像什么样子 译文:The alien shows what the world looks like after a thousand years from now on to her.3、她遇见了一...

答:求几句句子的英语翻译 1. The Boss still thought they fell short of the requirements. 2. Being overseas for 5 years, Henry gained practical experience in navigation. 3. The department head was upset when he/she found out that few of the students were good at atheltics. 4....

答:第一句:如果你还有什么需要,请跟我说.Please feel free to let me know any of your requirement.第二句:你看到JANE了吗?我想跟他说些事.have you seen Jane?i'd like to talk to him something.第三句:你可以帮我把这张卡片交给他吗?will you help me pass this card to him?第四句:...

答:1够了 别说了 That's enough!Stop talking!/Shut up!2不要责怪我 Don't blame me!3是我不对 是我不好 It's my fault。4谢天谢地 Thank goodness!5我错在哪了What is my fault?

答:that I focused on the movements 还有翻译下这个地址:北京海淀区清华大学紫荆公寓9号楼117A 舒华 转 卢卡斯 收 Shu Hua C/O Lucas Room 117A, the 9th floor ,Zijing Apartment, Tsinghua University Haidian District, Beijing, China (后面加上邮编)希望对你有帮助,如有疑问,随时留言 ...

《求下面几句话的英语翻译 1.书籍是人类进步的阶梯 但是实践同样不可缺...》
答:Knowledge arises from books and serves the living.3.理论应根据实际情况改变 死板的信奉书籍是不科学的 Theory should change according to practical situation and it's not scientific to believe in books rigidlly.4.实践产生真理,真理产生知识,知识组成书籍 Practices generate the truth which ...

答:医生和病人的对话)Please take the medicine three times a day and you will soon be fine.1.我在第二十中学读书 I study in No.20 middle school.2.我的教室在五楼 My classroom is on the fifth floor.3.我的班级是初一(2)班 My class is Class 2, junior Grade 1.人工翻译 ...

答:1.不要说谎话 Don't lie.2.不要有太多的欲望 Don't want too much.3.为人民服务Sever for the people.

