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孤儿列车英文读后感200词 《孤儿列车》英语读后感

作者&投稿:农樊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)











The novel is about a seventeen year old girl, Molly, who met a 91 year old man, Vivian, who had a common interest in a community service. They had one thing in common -- they were orphans.

Molly was dressed up as a punk, and she meant to disguise herself as that. She didn't want to touch anyone, and she didn't want anyone to know about herself. Because she is an orphan, I do not want to explain more, I think you will understand. She has experienced a lot of foster families. There are good and bad, most of them are not so good, I do not want to say more, you can imagine. Do you want to ask me, and what else do you want to say? I don't know, I can only write my true ideas, that is, at will, to speak at will, to write at will. Write to yourself and write to people who understand themselves.

The hostess of Molly's family now does not like her too. Of course, Molly knows, they're just for the upbringing of the government. She often told herself that everything would be fine by the age of eighteen. I think of a word in the novel that "growing up is a relief". Molly's love "Jane Eyre" in the novel, so in the library she stole the most broken "Jane Eyre", results in a library on foot just when the door was discovered. In order not to go to the school, Molly chose the community service introduced by his friends to organize a loft for an old lady.

Molly did not have much interest in giving an old lady the attic at first, and sometimes even thought it would be a good thing to be in the school at this time. Vivian looked at everything Molly had to sort out every day. These things were her memories of the past, and a farewell to the past. Molly heard Vivian tell the story of every foster. Slowly, she liked it. Oh no, maybe it wasn't like it at this time. Which word should I use? Resonance? Well, in a word, Molly began to accept the community service and accepted it from his heart and accepted the old lady with the story. In contrast, Vivian's past would be much more miserable than he was, but she could not say sympathy or shock, and maybe that was my own real idea.

A fire, Vivian lost his father, two twins' brother and a very small sister Messi, her mother was sent to the hospital. It was 1929. Vivian was 9 years old, and she always remembered her neighbour holding her sister and telling her that she had no breath. Since then, she has been sent to a train by social welfare institutions, and with her on the train, there are some children as no one she has raised. This is the legendary orphan train. As the train moves forward, every station, the children are arranged in a row of size, waiting for the adoption of the good people. Small children are among the older girls to take care of, then Vivian called jennifer. The wife of the steward was also given to a boy who was still in need. He was called Carmine. These children will certainly have some naughty, such as the "German man", later because he was too difficult to teach, in order to separate the steward of the lady and the other boys, let him in the seat next to jennifer. They were also slowly familiar with him. He was older than her, and I forgot the age of a few years old. The first train station, the "German boy" was adopted and carmine, Jennifer and without the children back to the train, waiting for the next station will be well intentioned people can take them. "Germany Zi said that he wanted to have a contract and Jennifer, would grow up and find each other. The next station is Jennifer clothing business a couple of shelter, she opens up another way of life -- or by adoption, foster care or shelter is appropriate. The couple gave her changed the name of "Dorothea", the name is also used to a foster family. In two foster families, Dorothy had very good, do not eat well, live well every day, but also a lot of work, the second families agreed to let her go to school, but the environment is far less than the first. In a snowstorm raging night, because the second family master bully her, the hostess saw, scolded her, told her to roll. So she really walked away, and walked all the way to school. I'm very glad that she didn't freeze to death that day. For her, as long as she didn't freeze, it was a relief for her. The teacher is a nice girl. She told the landlord that Dorothea would stay in the house for a few days until welfare agencies help her find the next suitable family. The landlady was a very hot man, because she was all Irish, and she took care of Dorothea. Finally, it was introduced by Dorothea, who was adopted by a pair of kindhearted couples. This is really adoption. They took her as their daughter and changed her name to Vivian. This is the name of the only daughter they died. Vivian can finally grow up in the circle of love, and later he really meets "German boy". He is already a pianist, and they meet in a bar. The long-awaited reunion after, what do not need to say much, because they all understand each other. Later, they married, "Deutsche" became a music teacher, and Vivian took over the department store of his parents. Later, Japan attacked the Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, and the Second World War broke out. "Deutsche" joined the army and was unfortunately sacrificed. Vivian was pregnant at that time. In order to escape the reality, Vivian sent her only daughter out. Slow time will let her forget the past. Only she knew it was not



Although not all departures can be expected to meet again, but the loss will come back in another way. Between 1854 and 1929, embarks from the eastern United States orphan train carrying tens of thousands of homeless children went to the central and western regions, they are be selected stations along the way, how the future destiny luck of the decision. Nine-year-old vivienne was one of them, but luck didn't fall on her. For her, boarding the orphan train was just a tiny corner of the sad curtain of fate. Today, Vivian is 91 years old. Her long life has deprived her of too many things, too much to remember. A random act of kindness led Vivian to meet Molly, an orphan, and the past flooded her again. This time, however, life gave its due answer.
This is a novel that seeks family love and illuminates a chapter in American history that has been forgotten. It is very beautiful. When the protagonist faces the incomparable predicament and the intense loneliness, but can show the tenacity of the side. The novel is meticulously researched, but it retains a lot of vitality. It brings us back to the past, and sees the protagonist, in order to survive and straighten his body, but retains the most innocent kindness of humanity.

答:愿随命运颠沛流离——《孤儿列车》读后感 某一个阳光灿烂又寒风凛冽的日子,我躺在床上花了一天时间看完了《孤儿列车》。其实我对这本书的印象并不是很好,因为书封上就写着“温暖无数心灵的希望之书”,而我对诸如此类的心灵鸡汤一向比较排斥。当初买回这本书的原因是打特价三本27,而三本中包含...


答:PS 看一本「华裔用英文写后再找国人翻译成中文的作品」难免有些隔靴搔痒。 《无声告白》读后感2 书不错。很多细节真实可靠,逻辑严谨,读起来丝毫没有跳脱之感,从文字来说也是值得一读的。 这部小说总结起来其实就是一个悲剧的误会。首先它是一个悲剧。因为这个女孩死了。但其实整场都是一个误会。每个人都需要...

