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求一篇2000字的作文:学习英语的得与失(汉语) 英文作文 学习英语的得与失

作者&投稿:常胀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

By z classmate stimulation, can't help letting me for our English learning to reflect a. Classmate say many of his Chinese friend, in England in China, even to speak English is very fluent, some people still very good translator, but z classmate say he basically never met speaks English very "genuine", but very fluent chinglish. He also said, even in Beijing university English majors, even inside the classroom, many teachers itself professor is incorrect. So that is why he came to China to learn Chinese, even in London nowadays many people teach Chinese. He then let me that call a depressed!!! Certainly we chi chi learned so many years are beginning in chinglish! Also, see z classmate Chinese knew, somebody else in Chinese launch text messages to speed, can brush, talked to also often use idioms, still all use of pretty rightness - he spent more than a year! Z classmate suggestion is tunnel's English pronunciation is the most important, still sings articals an example. The simplest 1: how sucstressed copy yourself? If you put stress were in separate word before the meaning and information, convey absolute different! Is polite greetings, still expect respond interaction, or due to sincere concern, the weight of the whole in pronunciation between grasp. Think about when we learn English, seldom someone care in such detail. In the spoken language learning, if we should pay attention to sentence expression by emphasize fluent, regulate the logic of clear, emphasize the correct pronunciation of teacher is already - so rare. Then I heard through many english-speaking people, really let me sounds like massage nerve so comfortable, count wang2 teacher and interpreting class of winter thunder teacher let me feel this way, and there is a bridge sponsor many exam G j side torre is not low test scores of students, but spoken English sounds terrible still clip vernacular sound thering is no lack of minority, but it certainly fluent speaking even soon. Reflect upon your own experience of learning English and tortuous paths: His English enlightenment learning is at 5 years of age, the women is late. Then there's a big cctvvenue especially English learning programs called "MaZe's tale tells of a eat clock of resemble shrek giant people come to the palace of adventure. My mother bought a complete set of materials and tape, let I followed TV learn pronunciation, she told me about grammar and word, have no matter to let me take a walkman listening to tapes plus to recite the text, and everyday check. My dad says even "ah wave times" hasn't learnt abcd every day.? Indeed, my grade just learning Chinese pinyin, it was a points not clear. In my mother's forced learning finished 4 kit, so grade three to six grade school taught English textbooks for me, it's very easy, but cannot because English skip a grade. Because of a sore back a lot, so crazy about said, feel oneself oral frightfully good. Now, namely actually that a few sentences dian to pour to go to good say, but proficient strategists. 4, grade school let me go to the English speech contest, from the three days to the teacher didn't know notice, so hurry for essay "Snow White" and "the midsummer night's dream" children's edition let me drive duck shelves. I incredibly still got the prize. Summarized up, this phase is to let a child to English has no rejection feeling, also can taste some sweets, a basic interest. I also have bit of linguistic sense and understanding, although enjoys start is out of my mom's "persecuted". By junior high, because the school with the United States and Australia's school has some exchange project, junior foreign teacher was still junior middle school can communicate with us, resources are abundant, give us the opportunity to many. English to me still is easy and interesting, depended on the basis of previous, English is still keep the good level. To zhengzhou, basically next semester to exam-oriented, facing tests. High school class return a call got wind of girl, with her mother always in Britain, because her mother was transferred to return home. Later became popo especially good friend with me, though I was English is very good, but is not a level with her. With our foreign exchange, she spoke English like motionless brain blurt out. Because in te like princess Diana, to give yourself up a with her the same name, also brought a heap of and Diana related various picture album, the British tabloid, magazine back, boring we steal the class see tabloid, look not to understand sentences she gave me translation, first insight western open bold tabloid let I was dumbfounded. Looking back on it, although junior middle school three year English achievement in top grade always, in fact no obvious improvement and expansion, more is to follow the school curriculum methodical. Comprehensive retrogressive is senior high school. The English teacher ms king speak tianjin smell English, English lesson forever from student id 1 start reading words reading the text, Speak grammar is copied from the books or on the blackboard writing e.g; injury-ridden Exercises lesson is always take the tutors read the answer. Originally the university entrance exam baton turn around examination-oriented education, high school English learning itself had to swerve far, again plus ms king by cobest's "destroyed people indefatigable", our class English achievement in senior 3 until the whole grade is the




这话说的当时让我那叫一个郁闷啊!!!敢情我们吭哧吭哧学了这么多年从一开始就是chinglish!也对,看z同学的中文就知道了,人家用汉字发起短信来,速度简直刷刷的,讲起话来还动不动用成语,还都用的挺对——他呆了还不到一年啊!z同学的建议是地道的英语pronunciation最重要,还声情并茂的举了个例子。最简单的一句:how are you today? 如果你把重音分别放在不同的word前,传达的意思和信息绝对不同!是客气的寒暄,还是期望有所回应的互动,还是出于真诚的关心,全在语音的轻重把握之间。







拿我自己举例。狠心拼拼应付考试应该是没啥问题的,chinadaily以及浏览一般英文原版书、说明、网站是没啥太大障碍的,但如果像CNN、economist有深度、甚至夹杂大量隐喻、个性评论的文章,能够准确毫无障碍的体会到作者的传神辛辣的笔锋还是有很大距离的。在我跟许多native speaker 交谈的时候,基本的daily talk是绝对没有问题的,而如果能深入的表达你自己思想,脱口而出仍需要磨练。虽然听bbc、cnn可以基本上听懂80-90%,但是回到生活中,当两个native speaker用很生活但确生动的英语交谈的时候,你会发现你的听入与反应之间仍旧有间隔,甚至有很多你听不懂。就像zander说,ocean这个词在他和英国人聊天的时候,可能会用隐喻来表达,以显得对话人的生动幽默。他换了个说法,我听起来就有困难。王强老师也说过,他刚到美国一出机场,原本在国内的自信心立刻全无,即使是街头的乞丐都说着一口及其地道但对你而言是极其陌生的美国俚语和俗语。换个角度想的话,我们日常生活的交流会有多少人用像《新闻联播》和播音员那样的语言交谈呢?所以,BBC也好,VOA也罢,只是最基本的但必备的听力训练。记得口译班上,杨sir每天给我们放一段特短的独家录音,磨我们的耳朵,让全班把听到的这句话写出来,几乎没人听懂里面说的是什么。后来才知道是他伦敦市集里录下的小贩吆喝声,反复吆喝的是:“水果很新鲜,xx钱一磅!”杨sir让我们猜这人的身份,说实话,我当时听的第一感觉是那声音听起来特像咱们国内收药和收废品的,但就是听不懂叫的是什么。我想说的是,这与我们听到的标准的bbc就完全不一样,但却是最鲜活、最实际的英语。




所以要尝试着将触角伸的广一点,电影、杂志、文学的、商业的、学术的、官方的民间的话语都要接触,甚至是脏话。接触多了,不愁没有英语思维。想学好英语要首先推开一扇扇窗,善于看外边的世界,而好的英语反过来又可以为你开启一个更广阔更美好的世界。Word to world, need a L,that is language.



《怎样学好英语作文 怎样学好英语英语作文带翻译》
答:学习英语的最常见的方法是多练习。多练习,什么都不是困难。例如,如果有人发现很难记住的词汇,他可以在他每天睡觉前看看这个词。我相信他会很快记住单词的。 最后,除了努力,没有学习英语没有速成法。但如果一个人在英语方面有兴趣或知道实践的重要性,他们迟早都会掌握它的。 求一篇关于如何学习英语的英文作文 ...

答:they will master it sooner or later.由于英语成为中国学生主要课程之一,学习英语就变得流行了。越来越多的学生觉得学习英语困难,因为英语对于他们来说很陌生。由于个性不同,经历和背景各异,不同的人可能有不同的方法来学习英语。在我看来,兴趣和练习是学习英语的最好方法。 首先,兴趣是最好的老...

答:How to study English there are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and writing. 学好英语需要注意四点 听说读写 Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in English. By doing this, we can improve our talking and listening skill.首先,我们应该勇敢...

答:Why do we learn English If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now, more and more people begin to learn English .And almost everyone around us can speak a little English.But why do we learn English?In my opinion,English...

答:we should look up new words in the dicti onary before class and prepare each lesson carefull y before class. I believe if we work hard and have go od ways of learning English, we will learn English we ll. 学英语是要花费时间的,因此我们要花大量的时间 每天练习使用英语。而且...

答:你需要常常和英语教师以外的人士用英语交谈。这当然很不容易,因为与母语相同的人自由交谈时,彼此若用英语交谈总会觉得很不自在。亦可参加英语俱乐部或国际会员的俱乐部(至少有时使用英语沟通),这样对很多人而言更有益。如果没有合适的社团可加入,也不妨考虑任何足以提高英语能力的机会。作文二 There are...

答:Many people are studying English. They attend schools, learn on the radio and TV, in order to master this foreign language. Obviously people consider English as important. 很多人在学习英语, 他们上学,或者通过电视、收音机学,为了掌握这门外语。显然,人们认为英语是重要的。It is quite ...


答:Learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so my first advice is to spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our ...

答:Why do students learn English Although English plays an important part in modern society,many people still think it takes the students in China too much time to learn it. In their opinion,since not all the students will do jobs that are related to English,why are we all learning...

