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作者&投稿:叔紫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文 为什么我们要学习英语~

写好“为什么我们要学习英语”的英语作文,只有自身有扎实的英语基础的情况下,才能够写出优秀的英语作文出来,建议学习在线外教一对一课程的,跟着外教学纯正的英语口语,课程价格合理每一节课不超过20元,或者先领取免费试听课看看合不合适。领取免费试听课:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击即可领取专属欧美外教一对一免费试听课!阿卡索是外教一对一授课的,而且都是欧美师资,欧美师资的发音是很标准的,每一个外教都有证书,有证书才是好外教。拥有较高的性价比,每节课不超过20元。为什么我们要学习英语的英语作文范文如下:English has been the main subject for Chinese students. They have to learn it since primary school. But most parents have let their children learn English when they start to learn talking. There is no doubt that English is of great importance. One the one hand, as the world gets globalized, the most popular language is English. Most students choose to study abroad, so they need a common language to communicate with others. On the other hand, English plays a indispensable role in the business. Today, a lot of foreign companies seek for cooperation, so it is a good chance for Chinese companies, but the employees must know English. So, it is the trend to master English.英语一直是中国学生学习的主要科目。他们从小学就开始学。但是大多数父母在他们小孩开始学习说话的时候就让他们学习英语了。毫无疑问,英语是非常重要的。一方面,随着世界变得越来越全球化,最流行的语言是英语。很大一部分学生选择出国留学,所以他们需要一个共同的语言与他人交流。另一方面,英语在商业中也扮演着不可或缺的角色。现在很多外资公司寻求合作,对于中国企业来说这是一个很好的机会,但是员工必须懂英语。所以,掌握英语是大流趋势。希望可以帮到你啦!想要找到合适英语培训机构,百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。百度搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全英语资源。

Have you ever asked yourself why we go to school?You may say,“We go to school to learn languages,Maths,History,Science and other subjects.”  But why do we learn these?Are these all that we learn at school?We go to school to prepare ourselves for the time when we grow up and have to work for ourselves.We learn our native languages so that we can understand what others write and say,and make ourselves understand the world clearly.  We learn foreign languages in order to benefit from what foreign people do.So everybody should go to school.

Why do we learn English
If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now, more and more people begin to learn English .And almost everyone around us can speak a little English.But why do we learn English?
In my opinion,Englishhas become a world language .And when we do business with foreigners of reform and opening up,we should speak English.The world meeting always use English;many important books are in English .Also,we can know each other better if we understand English,we can make contrebuyions to the world,too.
I hope that every students can pay attention to study of English,and make use English often. In this way,we can improve our English .

If you ask why we should learn English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following.

First of all, English has become an international language. It plays a more and more important part in the world, especially on business and association among countries. If you speak English, you can make a round the world trip without being misunderstood. You can easily make yourself understood. Besides, English can reduce the trouble and save money when you’re making a world trip.

In another hand, most valuable books, newspaper and magazines are written in English. If you hope to get more knowledge and useful information, you must learn English and try to master it as well as handling skillfully. You can enjoy some famous works and learn what the different customs are in the foreign countries with the help of knowing English.

Furthermore, it’s necessary to learn English with China’s entry to WTO. That can make us know more about WTO and how to use the right in WTO to solve the trade problems.

As we enter a new millennium, the ability and the need to understand and communicate with each other has become increasingly important that we must learn English. Without mastering it, you can no more find

Something about learning English
Why do we should learn English? There are some viewpoints of myself.
It’s obvious that English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. For many years now we have been referring to English as global language, as the language of communication and technology. There are more than one hundred countries make English as their native language or second language. So, if you can proficient in the English. It may bring you convenience in many aspects. Well, the main advantages are listed as follows:
Firstly, time of globalization is coming, the earth becomes smaller and smaller. Learning English gets you to travel for free, almost every place has people who can speak English, so it’s more convenient for you to travel abroad and meeting new places and cultures.
Secondly, Language learning sharpens your mind. China makes the English as Second language. So learning English can improve your abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It also can get you to think the same thing in a different way.
Thirdly, learning English helps you earn more money. English has become an international language. It plays a more and more important part in the world, especially on business and association among countries. If you can speak English, you may have more opportunities in a foreign company. It’s not bad for you to be a translator, too.
Finally, for student, most valuable books, newspaper and magazines are written in English. If you hope to get more knowledge and useful information, you must learn English.
How to learn English and make it more effectively?
As the saying goes that Interest is the best teacher. We all dislike boring way to learn English. So you can use some interesting way to improve efficiency, such as listen to the music, watching movies and reading some interesting English book.



答:If you ask why we should learn English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following.First of all, English has become an international language. It plays a more and more important part in the world, especially on business ...

答:了解了学习英语的重要性,那么我们到底要如何才能学好英文呢? 根据实际应用需要学习 既然我们先前讨论过英语实际上只是一门工具而已,那么,在学习之前,我们首先要清楚了解自己学习英语的目的。是文学创作,还是某项实际工作需要?相信大部分人都是因为工作需要而学习英语,那么英语只是一个让我们可以与西方国家交流,学习西方...

答:It goes without saying that English has became the widest used language in the world. It's necessary for us to grasp the basic English abilities. First of all, with the development of society, we Chinese have more opportunities to touch with foreign people who can't speak Chinese...




答:以往中国的英语教育以阅读大量文学作品为主,但实际上这种做法对与英语初学者来说弊大于利。例如一个 空中 小姐,她所需要掌握的只是口头上询问客人需要什么,或者报告当地天气等简单信息。阅读文学作品可以说对她的工作毫无帮助。我们学习英语之前应该反复强调把英语作为一门工具,并且要清楚知道我们究竟需要...

