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请各位大神帮帮我应该怎么写这个小短文了,非常感谢啦,嘿嘿,麻烦咯 老师要我写关於一篇家庭的诗,我想不到题目怎么写,请各位大神帮...

作者&投稿:姓性 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


cansoriopteryx ("climbing wing") is a genus of avialan dinosaur. Described from only a single juvenile fossil specimen found in Liaoning, China, Scansoriopteryx is a sparrow-sized animal that shows adaptations in the foot indicating an arboreal (tree-dwelling) lifestyle. It possessed an unusual, elongated third finger. The type specimen of Scansoriopteryxalso contains the fossilized impression of feathers.
Most researchers regard this genus as a synonym of Epidendrosaurus, with some preferring to treat Scansoriopteryx as the junior synonym, though it was the first name to be validly published.

The type specimen of Scansoriopteryx heilmanni (specimen number CAGS02-IG-gausa-1/DM 607) represents the fossilized remains of a hatchling maniraptorandinosaur, similar in some ways to Archaeopteryx. A second specimen, theholotype of Epidendrosaurus ninchengensis (IVPP V12653), also shows features indicating it was a juvenile. The specimen is partially disarticulated, and most bones are preserved as impressions in the rock slab, rather than three-dimensional structures. Because the only known specimens are juvenile, the size of a full-grown Scansoriopteryx is unknown–the type specimen is a tiny,sparrow-sized creature.


答:China, Scansoriopteryx is a sparrow-sized animal that shows adaptations in the foot indicating an arboreal (tree-dwelling) lifestyle. It possessed an unusual,

《想请各位大神给个帮助 帮我写一篇英语作文 谢谢了》
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《请各位大神帮我写一下 谢谢》

答:用living in a big city 写一篇短文,我不会写,求各位大虾帮帮忙 I think living in a big city such as Beijing, Shanghai and Tiannin is much more convenien and fortable because the transportant is very good and you can go anywhere easily and fast. There are lots of big mal...

答:在住的地方如果没有电灯这个看似不起眼的小科技,你就无法再黑夜里生存。你无法刷牙洗脸,你无法洗个安眠澡,你无法再黑夜里做事,甚至行走。如果没有电,你不可能看你最喜欢的电视剧或者球赛。 在穿的方面,好像看起来和科技联系不是很紧密,但是在现在社会服饰都是靠机器生产出来的,手工做的的确很少,这价钱也相当昂贵...

《...求各位大神帮帮我写几句话吧!我真的没有一点灵感。::>_<_百 ...》





