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作者&投稿:空刮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这一句简直是经典中的经典,因为它狠狠的抽了那些中国英语语法一个响亮的耳光 —— 中国语法界不知从何时何处开始,流传着一个谬误:“take 不可以用人作主语”。这是中国式语法的一个经典胡扯。


a gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard blew 这句话是说:一阵风把床从屋顶上刮了下来,把它撞到院子里飞舞

send it crashing into the courtyard blew它撞到院子里飞舞

答:hope it helps u! ^^

答:a gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard blew 这句话是说:一阵风把床从屋顶上刮了下来,把它撞到院子里飞舞

答:【5】Though my aunt pursued what was, in those days , an enlightened policy in that she never allowed her domestic staff to work more than eight hours a day , was extremely difficult to please.这个是双语例句 翻译成中文的话就是:姑妈待佣人在当时算是开明的,从来不让佣人每天工作...

答:freedom from 这里是一个固定搭配表示免除或解脱的意思。care表示忧虑烦恼的意思。freedom from care,直译是从忧虑、烦恼中解脱出来,意译就是无忧无虑啦。请给我分!

答:Its theoritical system's construction basically aims at giving a good discription of its process and characteristics.备注:1.basically主要地;基本上,mainly所表示的"主要地"重在数量上 2.give a discription of描述,当然good可以去掉 地不地道相信您知道....

答:Recently, researchers in the US have carried out a study on laughing, one of the most natural characteristics of human behavior.最近,美国研究人员进行了一项关于“笑”的研究,“笑”是人类最自然的行为特点之一。如果满意,请记得 点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,(*^__^*) 谢谢~~...

答:参见《21世纪英汉汉英双向词典》:on (an)impulse 冲动之下,冲动地,不加思索地 She often buys clothes on ~.她常常凭冲动购买衣服 He grasped her hand on an ~.他情不自禁地握紧她的手

答:said is just joking,but so serious you are.You said you only love me.However,all your action are so clear.What else could I be?See you.Bringing the words of your saying you love me,I will leave the world given hope by you and with desperation.希望能帮上你喔!!!

答:1.attempt to produce less of it 意思是 努力/尽量减少制造垃圾,attempt to 是“试图做某事”的意思,produce less of it 意思是 制造更少的垃圾,it 代表 rubbish; 这个句子是完整的,of it 前面不用加词了。2.range from 是 (范围)从。。。到。。。/在。。范围内变动 的意思,意思是...

答:首先,sparks,down,to之间是相互分开的,并没有固定搭配的关系。另外,在it sent sparks down to the ground这样的语境中,down不是介词,而是副词,修饰sent,表示“从上到下,朝下”,而to在这里才是介词,表示指明方向,译作“向,到”,所以句子直译为“它向下(down)放出火花到(to)地面上” ,...

