感悟网 导航


作者&投稿:驹壮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

If there is a person, with whom i feel comfortable, without any pressure, just like left hand in right hand, then that is the friend i am seeking/looking for.

We are going to hold a welcome party for the freshmen.
Some old men can't be care for children.Instead,they accompany with dogs.

1.Excuse me, I wonder there is any English study class at your school or not.

2. how much is the tuition fee?

3. how many lessons each week?

第一句:一般来说,如果是你不认识的人,说“你好”应是how do you do,这里你其实可以直接用excuse me (不好意思,打扰一下),would you tell me if there are some class that study English at your school。这里最好不要直接说“I want to ask...”因为你问话的这个人多半是你不认识的,这样问在英语中很不礼貌
第二句:how much will I need to pay for every month?pay for+钱,表付多少钱
第三句:how many lessons do I take every week?take lessons意为上课,本来have lessons 也是上课,但是这里既然是你主动去找这个英语班,肯定是你自愿的,而have lessons 带有不愿的意思

Hello, I would like to ask if there is any English classe in your school?

How much is the tuition in each month?

How often do we have classes in each week?

Hello, I want to know if there is any class of your school that is about English studying?
How much would this kind class cost every month?
How many lessons does this kind of calss take every week?

Hi, I'd like to know whether your school offers English training class or not ?

How much does it cost each month?

How many classes every week?

答:1.Though I don't know him,I have heard about him.2.Sometimes we might need to set a bedding before a question or request.3.What are you going to do when you meet someone for the first time.4.Li Ming's dressing didn't fit.5.Lucy is talking quietly with Lily.6.This...

答:Called as a linguistic genius, he is a famous US linguist.3.马克吐温显然是一位与众不同的作家。Obviously, Mark Twain is an outstanding writer.4.它令人尴尬的样子,让他自己很尴尬。His embarrassing appearance made himself very embarrassed.5.与其他学科比,英语更好(用compared to/with B...

《求将几个句子翻译成英语。 在线等》
答:1、今天的课主要讲如何写新闻总结。(focus on;summary)Today's class was focused on how to write news summary 2、老师让我们将难懂的单词划线并查字典找出其意思。(underline)The teacher let us underline the difficult words and look them up in the dictionary.3、我想我将用到一篇关于...

答:朋友 详细给你翻译了吧 1.JIM不仅是我的同学也是我的好朋友 JIM is not only my classmate But olso is my good friend 2.当JIM在走廊上行走时遇到我们的老师时,她总会有礼貌的向老师打招呼 When JIM when we met in the corridor of the teacher, she always polite to gentle teacher 3....

《麻烦帮我翻译几句中文成英语 谢谢》
答:1.请稍等,我(我们)正在测试.Please wait for a while, we are testing it.2.抱歉,我不懂英语,请和我搭档讲.Sorry, I don't speak English. Please talk with my partner.3.稍等,我去找个翻译员.Wait for a moment.I will get a interpreter.4.问题已经解决.The problem has been ...

答:1.不要说谎话 Don't lie.2.不要有太多的欲望 Don't want too much.3.为人民服务Sever for the people.

答:1, and I especially like Cook, every time see book SHANG or TV Shang some gourmet I are special wanted to themselves put fine do out to family friends eat, feel must very good 2, and but I especially like wash clothes, because when are is MOM help I wash clothes, ...

答:when the chance comes, what follows is the hope of success, but the oppotunity can't become truth on its own.Everyone should be responsible for what he did.It was many years ago before he knew who offered the help in his crisis time....

答:1我们那里有非常出名的白切鸡,豆腐,李子等美味的食物,而你们有十分特色的鱼,这些都是非常特别的食物.1 We have a very famous baiqie chicken,tofu,plums and other delicious foods.while your place have a very distinctive fish,these are very special food.2我们城市有非常出名的广东飘饰还有...

《求下面几句话的英语翻译 1.书籍是人类进步的阶梯 但是实践同样不可缺...》
答:1. 书籍是人类进步的阶梯 但是实践同样不可缺少 Books are steps toward humanprogress while practices is also necessary.2.知识来源于书籍 知识服务于生活 Knowledge arises from books and serves the living.3.理论应根据实际情况改变 死板的信奉书籍是不科学的 Theory should change according to ...

