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(1/2)以“The hero in my heart”为题,用英语写一篇短文介绍一下著名的中国网球运动员李娜,并简单地...

作者&投稿:生庭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I Love You Forever!MY HERO!

30/5, and a year ago, same as the day ~
---- Western finals champion Los Angeles Lakers
This is a very memorable day straight ~
Lakers are the Lakers,
This year we are doomed!
We finally had come, I am glad very excited
This moment is really really really long time to wait!
However, we do not want just that!
We are one step toward our ultimate dream of progress ~
To see the boss when receiving an interview Zaza also come make trouble,
Smiled at him looking at you, this feeling is at the end had moved, the Lakers really do not like the!
This series, the Lakers have been very difficult to fight, but last night started from the first minute,
Zijin Legion tough on the show its own side.
Did not give opponents the opportunity to leave a trace!
However, obviously not only our hearts, we know that we still step, that is, the championship, we will celebrate the victory, the real season for us has just begun! Finals, we have come, there are four wins ~
Knight watched the game today, Knight lost,
I do not know why I thought of was only the Lakers!
The final encounter for the pan-green camp to revenge Unfortunately,
MVP conventional to miss also a little disappointed!
But I think we will not be left with regret,
We will win the golden cup ~ O'Brien
Continue to work hard and move on.
In any case, Not Leaving Without You!
KOBE, the Lakers must continue refueling ah!
I totally support you!

Lakers refuel ,Lakers go!!
Bryant, I Love You Forever!MY HERO!

My hero Qian Xuesen, one of the most famous scientists in China, is the hero in my heart. He has the greatest intelligence in the world. When he was young, he studied in many famous universities in the world, being very hard-working. Then he won many big prizes and had many famous discoveries.The most famous thing he did is the first Bomb and Rocket in China.Now, he is the person who make our country stronger and developing. Everyone in China will not forget him


I want to say that Li is a national hero, the hero of our city."Since ancient times, heroes and more lonely." Toward the top players, it would be alone in-depth, technical pressure group London. Hero dreams, everyone can have. Difference is that the Li is always to move forward through thick and thin, perseverance to bring a breakthrough.The red clay of Roland Garros will not be the end of her journey. The pastures of the Wimbledon, U.S. Open hard, waiting for her to go further.

Li Na was born February 26, 1982) is the top ranked Chinese professional tennis player. Li has won 5 WTA and 19 ITF singles titles. Li won the 2011 French Open singles title, becoming the first player from an Asian country to win a Grand Slam in singles; she had already reached the final of the 2011 Australian Open, the first player from an Asian country to appear in a Grand Slam singles final.She is currently ranked World No. 11 and is the top Chinese player.She is humor and brave.The spirit of brave.strong persistence make her succeed.and make her become the hero in my heart.I admire her .not only beceuse her excellent skill but also her attitude her spirit.

The hero in my heart
The hero in my heart is LiNa.She is a tennis player of China.She is tall and beautiful.Why does she become the hero in my heart?
Because ,in 2011 the French Open tennis tournament,LiNa won the champion!She become the first person of Asia won the champion in Open tennis tournament!She was the pride of China!So I like her very much .
This is the hero in my heart, LiNa.

答:首先:1和'1'是不相同的。一、从本质上看,内存中存储:1可以使用一个字节存储,在内存中存储就是 0000 0001 '1'字符固定一个字节,对应的ASCII为0x31,因此内存中存储的值是0011 0001。二、从数据类型上看:1是一个数字,可以直接用于数学计算1+1=2;'1'是一个字符,如果直接数学运算虽然不会...

答:这句话的意思为:假使拿肴山以东的各个国家与陈涉的军队比较长短,较量一下权势,衡量一下军力,简直不能相提并论。出处:汉·贾谊 《过秦论》然而成败异变,功业相反,何也?试使山东之国与陈涉度长絜大,比权量力,则不可同年而语矣。然秦以区区之地,致万乘之势,序八州而朝同列,百有余年...

《翻译。(1)匪我愆期,子无良媒。将子无怒,秋以为期。 译文:___ (2...》

《米每秒和千米每小时单位怎么换算( 1 )米》
答:1千米每小时=0.28米每秒,1 米每秒=3.6 千米每小时。千米每小时和米每秒都是速度的单位,可通过以下解释进行说明:1、1千米=1000米;1小时=3600米。2、1千米每小时=(1000米÷3600米)≈0.28米每秒。3、1千米每小时=0.28米每秒。4、同理可以得到:1 米每秒=3.6 千米每小时。

《C编程 !( 1 || 1 && 0 ) 结果是多少?》
答:&&运算符的优先级高于||因此先进行&&运算结果为0,然后进行||运算结果为1 最后!运算,结果为0.

《__+__+__=30 只能填(1, 3,5,7,9,11,13,15)你可以重复用这些数._百度知 ...》
答:有三种解法,如下:1、加入时间单位:1天+3小时+3小时=30小时 2、利用导数:15+15+15’=30(任何常熟的导数都等于0)3、重复用数:(1+1)+(3+3)+(11+11)=30

答:一,注释 1,货:出售、卖。2,欻(xū):忽然。3,瞰(kàn):窥视。4,既:已经 5,诸:相当于“之于”6,蚤(zǎo):通“早”,早晨。7,逡(qūn)徘徊的样子 8,仰:抬 9,昂:贵。10,直:通“值”,价值。11,缘:沿着 12,罹(lí):遭遇(祸患)。二,《狼(一)》...

《税额计算 增值税=售价/ (1+17%)+17% 这里的(1+17%)是什么意思,这个算的...》

答:∫ x/(1 + x) dx = ∫ [(1 + x) - 1]/(1 + x) dx = ∫ [1 - 1/(1 + x)] dx = x - ln|1 + x| + C 把函数f(x)的所有原函数F(x)+C(其中,C为任意常数)叫做函数f(x)的不定积分,又叫做函数f(x)的反导数,记作∫f(x)dx或者∫f(高等微积分中常省去dx)...

答:具体回答如下:(x→∞) lim(1+1/x)^x=lime^xln(1+1/x)因为x→∞ 所以1\x→0 用等价无穷小代换ln(1+1/x) =1\x 原式:当(x→∞) lim(1+1/x)^x=lime^xln(1+1/x) =lime^x*1/x=e 极限的性质:和实数运算的相容性,譬如:如果两个数列{xn} ,{yn} 都收敛,那么数列{...

