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英语翻译~机器直译的不要来~ 几段英语翻译,不需要机器直译!

作者&投稿:势旭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Bathes normally can consume the public water and electricity resources, causes the social resource to be short, “A-CYCLE” the design originates from the nature, but the recovery processing storage rain water, carries on the heating heat preservation again using the solar energy, uses in bathing the water used. Other solar energy may transform for the electrical energy carries on the reserve, uses in bathing electrical energies and so on light, forms one along with it good to bathe the system. research background: Taiwan's fresh water comes from the rain water actually, Taiwan latitude position is in the tropics and the subtropics area, every year the fall, will have the typhoon to come frequently in the summer, this has just brought the rich rainfall, just can let for one year which Taiwan crossed water scarcity. But Taiwan isthmus mountain is high, the slope steep class is anxious, in addition Taiwan is * the wild brook river, not easy water, therefore in heavy rain time, needs the rain water recovery system. The rain water is except for this sufficient, the high temperature area is also very suitable. utilization science and technology: The rain water filtration collection, the solar energy transforms into the heat energy and the electrical energy. the use rain water and the solar energy, do not consume the Earth energy at the same time to achieve one good to bathe the system.

C-WATER has the quantity of heat through the solar illumination, thus causes the sewage, watery objects and so on salt water have the fresh water installment after the evaporation. Is suitable in the wetland, the seashore, the ships, places such as sewage. Nimble according to pulls the design, then the achievement steams the soft drink the conduction current, also saves the space, facilitates the transportation, is more advantageous in the going out traveller uses. The objective advocated that the low cost creates the high environmental protection the values. research background: Fresh water resource crisis, earth's surface, although 2/3 by water cover, but 97% to be unable the sea water which drinks, only then less than 3% are the fresh water, some 2% seal in the polar glacier. In the only 1% fresh water, 25% are the process water, 70% are the agricultural water, only then a very few part may supply to drink with other life use. However, in this kind of water scarcity's world, the water actually massively is abused, the waste and the pollution. Adds it, the regional distribution is non-uniform, causes in the world water scarcity the phenomenon to be very common, the global fresh water crisis is day by day serious. At present in world more than 100 countries and local water scarcity, 28 countries are listed as the serious water scarcity the country and the area. utilization science and technology: Uses nature own energy strength the raw material to originate in hides in the nature the moisture content, the processing energy similarly also originates in the nature the solar energy. Does not produce to the earth resource consumption and the pollution

这是个冷笑话。作者太卑鄙,编个故事嘲笑非洲,吃的、喝的都让人上吐下泻 comes violently back out both directions,在生病和有意识之间两难选择(生病则无意识,有意识有受不了意识到的),把这个背景换成阿三的神牛之国还不错哈

在争取了多年想要个能顺带旅游的职缺后,我终于如愿以偿 - 只不过是来到了非洲。所有我吃了喝过的东西都让我上吐下泻。要是不吃不喝我就只有两眼发黑不省人事。基本上我就只能在这两者之间选择,要嘛生病要嘛昏厥。嘿,你瞧这么个好差事!

FML 估计是作者名字缩写。

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