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作者&投稿:牧顺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


艹。歌词呢?你有一首歌很喜欢却什么信息都不给怎么找。 追问: 英文的,我.......... 回答: - -。老 大英 文的很多的!!!! 追问: 女的唱的......外国的......出版发行是 黑龙江 的编码是ISRC CN-D17-05-460-0/A.J6 回答: 额。我也不知道了。= =。我给你介绍几首吧也是我认为不错的:1、Be What You Wanna Be【Darin唱的】2、Roc【Nadiya】3、Whataya Want From Me【Adam Lambert】

Hold Me For A While - Rednex



Hold, hold me for a while
I know this won't last forever
So hold, hold me tonight
Before the morning takes you away

Hold, hold me for a while....

What's that sparkle in your eyes?
Is it tears that I see?
Oh tomorrow you are gone
So tomorrow I'm alone
Short moments of time
We have left to share our love

Hold, hold me for a while
I know this won't last forever
So hold, hold me tonight
Before the morning takes you away

We're in eachothers arms
Soon we're miles apart
Can you imagine how I'll miss,
Your touch and your kiss?
Short moments of time
We have left to share our love

Hold, hold me for a while....

Hold, hold me now,
From dusk to dawn all night long
Save, save me now,
A short moment of time

歌名: Hold Me for a while


Hold, hold me for a while
I know this won't last forever
So hold, hold me tonight
Before the morning takes you away

Hold, hold me for a while
I know this won't last forever
So hold, hold me tonight
Before the morning takes you away

What's that sparkle in your eyes?
Is it tears that I see?
Oh tomorrow you are gone
So tomorrow I'm alone
Short moments of time
We have left to share our love

Hold, hold me for a while
I know this won't last forever
So hold, hold me tonight
Before the morning takes you away

We're in eachothers arms
Soon we're miles apart
Can you imagine how I'll miss,
Your touch and your kiss?
Short moments of time
We have left to share our love

Hold, hold me for a while
I know this won't last forever
So hold, hold me tonight
Before the morning takes you away

Hold, hold me now,
From dusk all night to dawn
Save, save me now,
A short moment of time

Hold, hold me for a while
I know this won't last forever
So hold, hold me tonight
Before the morning takes you away

Takes you away

答:歌名:Boom Clap 歌手:Charli XCX 专辑:The Fault In Our Stars (Music From the Motion Picture)

答:California King Bed 歌手:Rihanna Chest to chest 胸紧贴着胸 Nose to nose 鼻头碰着鼻头 Palm to palm 掌心贴着掌心 We were always just that close 我们曾经是那么得亲密 Wrist to wrist 手腕缠绕手腕 Toe to toe 脚尖触着脚尖 Lips that felt just like the inside of a rose 嘴唇感觉就像...

答:Wonderful Tight (eric clapton)

《在别人空间听到一首很好听的英文歌,不知道歌名 怎么能知道歌名》
答:我推荐的这些不是最新的,但都是超级经典的。有些你肯定听过,或者熟悉。会勾起你很多回忆的~~希望你会喜欢!第一波:Far Away From Home Love In December Pretty Boy Stan Feat White Flag We Will Rock You All That She Wants Dragostea Din Tei Girl In Your Dreams my love Together again...


答:一首很棒的英文歌(酒吧里常放)blue foundation - as i moved on (英文版)the day you went away(第一次爱的人)仙妮亚唐恩shania twain-01-i`m gonna getcha good-red so in love(超好听,爱在哈佛主题曲 英文歌曲 - 英语经典 - 《狮子王》今夜爱无限 英文经典情歌-the one you love joh...


答:我的歌知道你悄悄地在搞什么 So light em up-up-up 所以拆穿它们 Light em up-up-up 点燃它们 Light em up-up-up 毁灭他们 I'm on fire 以我的火之力 So light em up-up-up 所以拆穿它们 Light em up-up-up 点燃它们 Light em up-up-up 毁灭他们 I'm on fire 以我的火之力 Wh...

答:is a girl 这首歌是大多数人第1次听都觉得很好听的一首歌,呵呵,开始那段旋律掺杂着流水声让我想起咯高山流水,结果听完以后真的发觉还想听听那流水的声音,我很喜欢!forever young 真的希望能永远年轻啊,但这是不可能的。人总是要长大的。歌词真的太经典了!big big world (很抒情,超喜欢!!

答:如果你是安卓智能手机 去下载一个猎曲奇兵 这是它的简介(很多人可能常常会碰到这样的情况在收音机里听到一首好听的歌,却不知道歌名叫什么,谁唱的。将Android手机的扩音器对着正在播放的音乐,或者自己哼唱几句,让Midomi SoundHound就可以告诉你歌曲的名字)如果还不行 贴链接上来给大家听听 尽最大的...

