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作者&投稿:琴梦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
辞职信怎么写 辞职信格式范文 辞职信标准模板 英文辞职信格式~



辞职信是应用文,但用铅笔写就是是不正规的应用文! 写着玩可以,不能作为存档文档。

其重点在于说明辞职原因,措辞要客观礼貌,让对方易于接受,不要写成抱怨信。 在信的结尾,一般要为自己辞职带给对方的不便表示歉意,或为对方曾给予自己的方便表示感谢。辞职信的正文部分一般由三个段落组成。 第一段:表明写信意图—— —辞职;第二段:详述辞职原因;第三段:表歉意,并希望对方同意自己辞职 下面以2005 年考研A 节小作文为例: Directions: Two m nths ag y u g t a j b as an edit r f r the magazine Designs & Fashions. But n w y u find th t the w rk is n t what y u expected. Y u decide t quit. Write a letter t y ur b ss, Mr. ang, telling him y ur decisi n, stating y ur reas n(s) nd m king n p l gy. Write y ur letter with n less th n 100 w rds. Write it neatly n ANSWER SHEET 2. D n t sign y ur wn name at the end f the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. u d n t need t write the address. ( 0 points) Dear Mr. Wang, I am writing to inform you that I have decided to leave my present job in the magazine De- signs & F shi ns. There are two reasons for my resignation. First, I find the job not as challenging as I expect- ed. I have been doing proofreading in the past two months, which gives me little opportunity to apply what I have learned at school to my job. Besides, I am a morning person. I have tried, but failed, to get used to the night shift. I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my resignation. I am looking forward to receiv- ing your approval. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 辞职信钻石句型: 第一段:I am writing to inform you about my decision to resign my present position./ I have accepted an offer from another corporation and have decided to tender my resignation./ I am offering my resignation as a sales manager./ Please consider this letter as my resignation from my present position as office manager, effective April . 第三段:I would be very much obliged if you could kindly give me a reference letter before I 如何写辞职信和投诉信—— —考研 A 节应用文系列讲座之三上海理工大学外语学院 贾从永笤考试专栏笤 55 Col ege Eng ish o ege Eng is o ege Eng is o ege Eng is 2 0 1 . 0 leave. Thank you for all that you have done to make my work here both interesting and enjoyable. / I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my resignation. I am looking forward to receiving your approval. 2. 如何写投诉信投诉信是一种常见的公务信函,用以向某个机构表达自己对某一情况的不满。 其重点在于具体说明投诉缘由,一般还要提出解决方案。 在陈述缘由时要客观、谦恭,须知收信人是帮你解决问题的人,而非肇事者。投诉信的正文部分由三个段落组成。 第一段:说明相关性,表明写信意图—— —投诉。 第二段:详陈所投诉的问题。 第三段:表达希望问题迅速得到解决的心情。 请看下例: Directions: Write a l tt r to your un v rs ty pr s d nt, compla n ng about th c nt n s rv c . You should wr t about 100 wor s on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not s gn your n m t th n of the letter. Us “L M ng” nst d. Do not wr t th ddr ss. Dear Mr. President, I’m a sophomore majoring in Civic Engineering. I am writing to you to complain about the canteen service on campus. There exist at least two problems that need quick solution in the canteen service. First, there is hardly any diversity in dishes. We are getting increasingly tired of eating the same food all year around. Second, it is too noisy in the canteen, with the loudspeakers blaring out commercials all the time. I would appreciate it if you could take my complaints seriously. I’m looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 投诉信钻石句型:第一段: I am writing to you to complain about./ I am writing to make a complaint about./ I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with./ I am writing to inform you that I am dissatisfied with./ I am writing to draw your attention to./ I am writing this letter to tell you how disappointed I have been with the after-sale service of your shop. 第三段: I hope my complaints will be taken into serious consideration./ I hope you will give due attention to this matter./ I trust you will take my complaints seriously and take proper measures to improve the situation./ I would appreciate it if you could give this letter serious consideration./ I would like to get this matter settled by the end of this month. 大学英语笤考试专栏笤 56


答:总结:如何从宏观上对待一篇文章:1. 一般来说,任何一篇文章都讲一个主题。2. 注意抓两类文体:一是议论文,抓作者中心观点和作者态度;二是说明文,抓说明对象和作者态度。3. 注意看清楚文章是由几个自然段构成,同时要注意看清楚文章的段落与段落之间是顺承结构还是转折结构。

答:二、投诉信 投诉信是对于产品、服务等的不满意,进而需要写出自己的意见和要求。第一段需写写信的目的以及自己的一个概括的期望。第二段阐述两、三方面所面临的产品或服务的问题及后果。第三段给出具体的期望,比如退款或更换新产品。三、推荐信 推荐信可以推荐一个人、一个地方、一本书、一部电影。

答:应用文中的这三类投诉信、建议信、道歉信,每一类都有其写作的范式和具体的内容要求,并且语言要求简单准确,所以这需要大家清楚每一类文章的一些常用语句,在平常积累背诵,在考场上信手拈来。二、投诉信 投诉信是对于产品、服务等的不满意,进而需要写出自己的意见和要求。第一段需写写信的目的以及自己...


