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问个英语问题!急! 问几个英语问题!急急!

作者&投稿:沃侨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

不算了啦两个词都是形容词!the beautiful and the mature就对了

Xiaoming asked me if i like dumplings last week.
I'm not sure whether i should cut the bread into two pieces or not.
I want to know if you're going to go.
Michael asked if that's enough.
I don't know if Alice can arrive on time.

2.must to是对的,你应该知道be to表将来,同样,must+to也是表将来的,(我们将来都要做一个诚实的人)we是复数不能用a,an应用the,person译为个人,私人。用people更普通一些,不过在这里用man会更好。(we must to be the honest man.)

I was sure i would be well again soon.她要我遵医嘱好好休息,ask 后接了两个动词,follow和have 。若按你改的把have改成had,句子不通,你试试,she asked ……had 不对吧?这样就成了she休息而不是me休息了。
we must to be an honest person.

1)have 是和follow 并列的 做to的状语
应该把good改成well 形容身体好 不能用good 而应用well

2)must后面是动词原形啊 你把must和have to 搞混了吧
honest前应该用an 因为它的以元音[ɔ]开头的
people前可以有定冠词 例如the Chinese people 中华民族 不定冠词就不行了 所以这里得用person

She asked me to follow the doctor's advice and have a rest there中要求的是后面两个动作遵医嘱和好好休息 而ask是后面要加原形的所以去掉to吧

to可以不用 应该是;要加冠词an的 应为为元音
可以用person更恰当 但是people也可以用

2.we和a矛盾,同时must是情态动词,直接接动词原形,所以应该改为we must be honest people。

答:一 1.closed形容词形式 二、get into the car on bicycle 三 1.How long 2.takes me on bicycle

《几个低级英语问题 急!》
答:1 海伦,上午好 Helen,good morning!2 你妈妈好吗 How is your mother?3 这用汉语怎么讲 What's this in Chinese?4 这台电视是黑白的 This TV is black and white.(不确定)5 它是一幅中国地图 It's a map of China.6 请拼写一下这个单词 Please spell this word.找句子中的错误 1 问...

答:5.根据所给的汉语完成句子. You need ___(多练习说英语) if you want to learn it well 。exercise speaking English more 6.我们想组织一次班级访学旅行。We would like ___ ___ ___ a slass trip.to set up 7.我们正期盼得到一些信息。We are___ ___ ___ getting some information...

答:1.shopping center 沃尔玛是世界上最大的购物中心 1.to carry 他经常帮助老人拿东西 2.don't sound 你的想法听起来不怎么好 我想应该是对的,呵呵,笑纳~

答:1. carefully 2.anything这里是否定句,将something改为anything 3.closed这里是被动语态,用动词的过去分词 4.excited exciting excited用于形容人,exciting 用于形容物 5.frightend frightening 6.interested interesting interest 7.amazed amazing 1.voice 2 voice 附加:sound;noise;voice的区别 这...

答:问一个英语问题  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 作为女性,你生活中有感受到“不安全感”的时刻吗?凌风膳追6 2010-11-01 · TA获得超过131个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:115 采纳率:99% 帮助的人:31.4万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 最好从小的到大的一起看看,系统一点的,相信你能...

答:how do you think of your schoollife?你觉得你的校园生活怎么样?do you get on well with your classmates?你和同学相处好吗?

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答:Are there any dolls on the bed?Yes, there are.No, there aren't.There aren't any dolls on the bed.Is there a lamp near the bed?Yes, there is.No, there isn't.There isn't a lamp near the bed.

