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作者&投稿:逄伟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

试一下吧,毕竟我也是小学的~ 写得不好不要笑啊
Travel Plan
I will go to Beijing with my parents next month. I'll go there by airplane.I am going to visit the Summer Palace.I am going to the Imperial Palace,too.My mother said we must go to the Great Wall but I think it will be so tiring and boring. So I won't go to the Great Wall
I'll have a good time there.

I will go to Yunnan with my parents on May Day.We are going to spend three days in Yunan. We will go there by plane. We will visit Kunming,Dali and Lijiang. We are going to visit the Stone Forests( 石林)because I hear it is a beautiful park. We are going to tast the local food and buy lots of souvenious.

We are planing to visit Beijing the capital city during the holiday. I'm travelling with two of my roommates Lucy and Lily (名字自己换) who are also my best friends in school. According to our plan, we will take a plane to go there and stay for three or four days in the city. There is a famous youth hostel called "great wall" and we have booked a room online, it is really economy since we three can share the room. All of us three are from south, so we definately going to try some Beijing local food. I heard there is a "food street" near Wangfujing where there will be tons of tasty snacks and cuisines like Beijing roast-sause noodles, simmered pork and of cause roast duck. Though it will be too common, we still want to see Tian'anmen and the flag rising in the square, for it is the symbol of our nation. I also very interested in the exhibitions in the national museum and national art museum. Not very far from Wangfujing street and the art museum there is the people's drama theatre where we can watch a avant-garde drama.





答:那么问题来了,“幼年体学霸”是如何成长为“成熟体学霸“的呢?普通人的模式是这样的:计划失败 -> ...上了大学之后,时间宽裕了,反而变得懒散了,到了假期更是懒得一发不可收拾,熬夜看剧、晚睡晚起、暴饮...信念: 这是支撑你建立习惯的内在动力:你想要每天背单词,是为了干掉英语考试;你想要学会弹吉他,是为了...




答:当然是骄傲自豪,我是不会说我还有一点羡慕嫉妒恨呢。我妹吧,顶级学霸算不上 反正清北c9啥的没希望。单纯跟我比,以及她比较特立独行吧。今年高二,小学二年级之前也是一枚不折不扣的学渣,后来三年级乡下小学上的,小学成绩还行吧,主要我们小学太烂了好像是倒数第一来着,一个班也没几个学生,我妹...

