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CCTV5 芝华士人生的那个啤酒广告的英文歌曲名字及下载方法?~

Mermaid Song或者叫 when you know
下载 http://www.lstrip.com.../musiu/140X.mp3

We could be together
Everyday together
We could sit forever
As loving waves spill over

The moon is fully risen
And shines over the sea
As you glide in my vision
The time is standing still
Don’t shy away too long
This is a boundless dream
Come close to me my reason
I’ll take you in my wings

We could be together
Everyday Forever
We belong together
Further seas and over

In the garden of the sea
I see you looking over
With my wistful melody
You leap into the water
It is no breaths sighing
This is the mermaid song
The singing of my sisters
The sea has drown for long

慵懒优雅的《when you know》

这首歌名叫When You Know,是由来自比利时的Hooverphonic乐队所唱作。

Hooverphonic也是被许多乐评经常提到的一个Post Trip Hop乐队,事实上几乎和许多被乐评界冠上这个称呼的其他乐队一样,Hooverphonic并不喜欢这个称号,而事实上该乐队和其他所谓的Post Trip Hop乐队一样:Trip hop的音乐质感并不强烈,相反由于中过多的铉乐加入使得这个乐队的音乐也更加地偏向类似专门被热门电影看中配乐mono,Craig Armstrong等“电影原声”派的乐队。

Hooverphonic的音乐因为过多地考虑到流行性而更容易被热门电影看中,而不是具有实验勇气的一支乐队,不过相比许多实验乐队到可以更快地赚到很多钱,而且和相类似的Smoke City等乐队一样红遍了欧洲的主流音乐界。


We could be together
Everyday together
We could sit forever
As loving waves spill over

The moon is fully risen
And shines over the sea
As you glide in my vision
The time is standing still
Don’t shy away too long
This is a boundless dream
Come close to me my reason
I’ll take you in my wings

We could be together
Everyday Forever
We belong together
Further seas and over

In the garden of the sea
I see you looking over
With my wistful melody
You leap into the water
It is no breaths sighing
This is the mermaid song
The singing of my sisters
The sea has drown for long

<<When you know>> -- 芝华士广告歌
音乐:Mad about you
主唱:Hooverphonic (乐队)
乐队开创性地从他们1998年专辑“Blue Wonder Power Milk中描绘的那仿佛冰冷安宁的大海景色。
芝华士广告中的这首《When you know》只有短短的30秒,而且没收集到任何专集里。


we could be together
everyday together
we could sit forever
as loving waves spill over

the moon is fully risen
and shines over the sea
as you glide in my vision
the time is standing still
don’t shy away too long
this is a boundless dream
come close to me my reason
i’ll take you in my wings

we could be together
everyday forever
we belong together
further seas and over

in the garden of the sea
i see you looking over
with my wistful melody
you leap into the water
it is no breaths sighing
this is the mermaid song
the singing of my sisters
the sea has drown for long

When you know -- 芝华士广告歌
音乐:Mad about you




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答:<<When you know/Mermaid Song/We Could be Together> -- 芝华士广告歌 (三种叫法)音乐:Mad about you 主唱:Hooverphonic (乐队)简介:Hooverphonic是一支比利时的梦幻流行乐队。乐队开创性地从他们1998年专辑“Blue Wonder Power Milk中描绘的那仿佛冰冷安宁的大海景色。芝华士广告中的这首《When you...

答:英语广告词有很多,这里举例一些比较有名的:1.Time is what you make of it.天长地久(斯沃奇手表);2..Fresh-up with Seven-up.提神醒脑,喝七喜;3.Start Ahead 成功之路,从头开始(飘柔)【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击领取欧美一对一外教课一节,还可以免费测试英语水平哦~学英语,...

