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求一篇小学生作文,急要,在线等 内容:“在一片茂密的大森林里面,住着小鸟悠悠和它的伙伴们。。。看下面

作者&投稿:菜耐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


小鸟的家园小鸟的家园河南省二七区 郑铁四小 三五班 王玥从前,在一个茂密的大森林里,住着一群可爱的小鸟,它们过着自由自在的生活,每天在枝头唱歌,跳舞,好快乐,小学生作文:小鸟的家园。一天早晨当小鸟们起来时,看见一群伐木者拿着工具在砍树,小鸟们觉得很好玩,唧唧喳喳说到:“树那麽多,砍就砍了,小学三年级作文《小学生作文:小鸟的家园》。”过了几天他们又来了,树又倒下了一片。小鸟们并不在意:“没关系,没关系,我们的家还大着呢?”···一天一天过去了,伐木者不断的来,树成片的到下。这时,小鸟们急了:“在这样下去,树没了,我们的家也就没了。”“那怎麽办呢?”“我们要保卫自己的家园。”“对,保卫家园。”·········伐木者来了,看到的是那起武器的小鸟。鸟儿们说:“鸟,人,森林都是地球妈妈的孩子,失去了那个孩子,妈妈会伤心的,我们作朋友吧!”听了鸟儿的话伐木者羞愧的低下了头。·指导教师:张玉玲投稿:2003-9-3 12:59:21

Recently a top school in Nanjing announced its new rules. Students are required to watch programs on CCTV instead of HNTV on weekends, which immediately arouses a heated discussion among teachers, students as well as parents.
Attitudes towards this issue are divided.
Some people are in favor of this rule, saying that children need proper guidance and better cultural environment. Therefore, programs broadcast by CCTV are recommended because they provide more useful information and enlarge students' knowledge about the world. In comparison, most TV shows provided by HNTV are full of meaningless jokes and some of them may even mislead teenagers.
However, others hold a different view. They insist that children have their right to choose what programs to watch. If they want to relax themselves after a day of hard work, they can watch entertainment programs on HNTV. If they feel like watching some news report or educational programs, they can tune to CCTV. Both channels can meet their different needs.
In my opinion, I think the school does not need to make such a rule. As long as parents watch the TV programs with children and teach them to tell right from wrong, it is all right to let them enjoy what they like.


