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作者&投稿:韦江 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Paul the World Cup octopus dies in his tank in Germany Paul the World Cup octopus dies in his tank in Germany Paul the octopus, an unlikely star of the 2010 World Cup who 'predicted' the outcome of seven matches, has died at an aquarium in Germany. Staff at the Sea Life centre in Oberhausen said they were "devastated" to learn that he had passed away during the night. Paul made his name by successfully choosing a mussel from one of two boxes bearing the flags of competing nations. Octopuses rarely live beyond two years so his death was not unexpected. Paul was two-and-a-half years old and had been hatched at another centre at Weymouth in England in 2008. Uncanny knack The centre's manager, Stefan Porwoll, said that Paul had correctly guessed the winner of all Germany's World Cup matches, including their defeat, and had "enthused people across every continent". As the tournament progressed, the octopus's uncanny knack of selecting the correct box drew increasing interest from the world's media, culminating in his choice of Spain as the eventual winner. He became an instant hero in Spain, prompting a request to have him put on display at Madrid zoo. Amid the euphoria, he was even made an honorary citizen of a Spanish town before being made an ambassador for England's 2018 World Cup bid. The Oberhausen centre said he had seemed fine when last checked on Monday night but was found dead on Tuesday morning. The prophetic cephalopod's brief but extraordinary life is unlikely to be forgotten. A documentary has been filmed and books and toys are already planned for the Christmas market. "It's a sad day. Paul was rather special but we managed to film Paul before he left this mortal earth," said his agent, Chris Davies. A memorial is to be erected at the aquarium in his memory. 世界杯章鱼保罗,在德国死去 章鱼保罗,被证实,已经在德国的一个水族馆死去。不像其他在2010年世界杯上闪亮的明星,它是凭着对七场比赛结果的准确“预测”而享誉世界的。 奥博豪森海洋中心的工作人员说,当他们得知保罗在夜里离开的时候,都承受不了这个打击。 保罗的成名,在于它赛前能够准确地从2个箱子中,取出贴有获胜方国旗的贻贝。 章鱼很少有活过2年的,所以它的死亡并不出人意外。 保罗已经2岁半了,是2008年在英格兰苇茅斯一家海洋中心孵化的。 神秘绝技 海洋中心经理斯蒂芬·鲍威尔说,保罗猜对了所有德国队参加的比赛结果,点燃了包括战败方在内的每一块土地上人们的热情。 随着比赛的深入,章鱼保罗选择正确箱子的神秘绝技,吸引了全世界媒体的注意,并最终以预言西班牙夺冠告终。 它瞬时成了西班牙的英雄,并使得自己被要求在马德里动物园展出。 在一片欢呼声中,它甚至被接受为西班牙某城的荣誉公民。之后,还成了英格兰申请2018年世界杯主办权的形象代言人。 奥博豪森海洋中心,在周一(10月25日)晚上的最后一次检查中,还发现保罗好好的。可是,在周二(10月26日)早上就发现它死去了。 鲍威尔先生说,“鉴于它的完美一生,我们还是很欣慰的”。 纪念活动 这个具有预言能力的头足动物,其短暂而不平凡的一生,是不会那么容易被忘记的。 关于它的纪录片已经制作完成,关于它的书籍和玩偶,也已经计划在圣诞节市场上推出。 它的经纪人克里斯·戴维斯说,“真是令人难过的一天。保罗太特殊了,所以在它离开这凡世之前,我们给它制作了影相纪录。” 为了纪念它,一座纪念碑也将矗立在水族馆里面。很不错哦,你可以试下

According to the report, with regard to the teachers and students engaged in business, there have been many disputes in the educational circle. Some people say since the state is not in a position to spend a lot of money on education, let the teachers and students find their own ways to make a living. However, it will not do if everyone in a country is engaged in business, and there should be some people engaged in teaching and studying. According to me, if anything is done by many people like a swarm of bees, it won’t work. People’s talents are varied: some have good abilities in doing business. Once engaged in business, they are just like fish swimming in water. But some with poor abilities may suffer some setbacks and still others complete failure.


China's stocks close slightly lower at midday中国大陆股市早盘微微收低
BEIJING, September 14 (Xinhua) -- Chinese shares closed slightly lower in the morning session on Wednesday.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index lost 0.52 percent, or 12.88 points, to finish at 2,458.42.
The Shenzhen Component Index closed down 0.59 percent, or 63.94 points, to close at 10,711.36.


