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作者&投稿:阴孟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A:放手吧,看来我也就只能到这里了----leave me. i have to stay here.
B:队长,拉紧,我们这就把你拉上来Catch hold,Captain. we will pull you up.
C:坚持住,没有你我们是不能到达目的地的 hold on. without you,we can't reach our destination.

B:真希望天堂不会这么how i wish it weren't so cold!
A:坚持下去,吗啡,给我吗啡 come on. morphine, morphine,please
C:不要忘了,我们说好了要一起登顶的--remember it is our promise to be at the top together

C:如果可以,我想喝一杯热热的牛奶 if i may,i would like a cup of hot milk
A:回去我天天煮给你喝 BACK home i will make you one every day.
B:你的终点绝不是这里 here it is not your destination.

去打下面go beneath there!

取消炮击give up the cannon shot!

这里造个医疗站build an emergency center here.

就知道出坦克you only giving one tank?
就知道出一种坦克only a single kind of tank you give?

没看见迫击炮 在打我吗? don't you seeing me being attacked by the mortar?

把那个(这个) 迫击炮 (迫击炮履带车) 打烂。。get that morter (truck/tank) down!

2个人 守一个桥(路口)都 守不住? 还要我来帮忙?Why me? you 2 guys can't hold on to that bridge(path)?

别管我leave me alone

我看见了的, 别管他,、I saw it, leave him alone

炸掉这座桥destroy the bridge

远程轰炸(远程火箭)炸掉 这个桥。。use remote missle(rocket) to destroy the bridge.

你把路障撞开干什么?What's your game crashing away the road blocks?

改胜利条件winning condition changed

殊死战death battle

出来,你这个傻瓜,胆小鬼get out you stupid, chicken!

把桥修好啊, 窝在 那里(岛上,家里)干什么come on and fix that bridge, what are you doing at home/on the island?

出兵增援啊,Need cover!(或Need backup!)

布置防线啊 setting the defence

守得住,你堵了干什么, 守不住马上堵了就完了,we can hold it! Why you blocked it! we only need a block to turn the things down

随机应变啊!Let's according to circumstances!

you fool!
you dummy!
you stupid!
you pigheaded!
you nut(s)!
Are you insane?
Are you mad?
Holy shit!
What the?(表惊讶)

曾经有人差点从险峻的山路上掉下来(背景是几个人登山)Someone was as close as to falling off the mountain
曾经有人迷失了方向差点丢了姓名Someone lost his way to such an extent that he would have lost his life
曾经有人受野兽袭击受了重伤 Someone got attacked by the beast and got seriously wounded

但是他们没有放弃,而是怀着勇气和希望朝着目的地一步一步地往前走and yet they didn't give up. Instead,they moved forward ,one step after another, filled with hope and courage.
最后,胜利女神把橄榄枝投向了他们And at last the Goddess of victory threw the olive branch to them.

There was people who almost fell down from the steep mountain road !
There was climber who almost lost his life because he lost his way!
There was climber who was seriously injured due to wild animals attack !
But they did not give up, instead they moved forward towards the destination step by step with courage and hope.
Finally, the goddess of victory awarded them the olive crown.

someone almost fell from sharp peak.
someone almost lost his life.
someone was seriously hurt by wild animal.

but they didn't give up ,and walked toward their aim step by step with courage and wish.
finally,success goddess's olive branches belonged to them.

Once someone fell off the steep mountain road.
Once somebody lost their bearings wthin an inch of life.
Once some people got heavily attacked by beasts.

Instead of gave up, they stepped forward with courage and hope to their destination.
Finally, Victory greeted them.

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