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求一篇英译汉 翻译赏析 1000字左右或者资料也可以 外文翻译一篇,污水工艺的。英译汉,1000字左右。

作者&投稿:彘菲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求一篇汉译英 翻译赏析 2000字左右或者资料也可以~

【译文】There is all ancient Chinese fable called“The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains”.
【赏析】①译文的句子主干为there be结构,利用过去分词called修饰fable,非常简练。②如果在called之前加whichwas或which is,虽然符合语法,但是显得累赘。
【译文】lt tells of an old man who lived in northern China long.10ng ago and was known as the Foolish Old Man of North Mountain.
【赏析】①译文中的Ittellsof常用于介绍故事梗概。例如,“有个故事讲的是一个贫穷潦倒的书生爱上一个出身书香门第的美丽小姐”可译为“A story tells of a poverty-stricken scholar falling in love with a beautiful maiden from a literary family”。②译文利用关系代词who引导的形容词从句修饰anoldman,并且通过并列连词and把lived和was known连起来,结构自然、流畅。
【译文】His house faced south and beyond his doorway stood the two great peaks,Taihang and Wangwu,obstructing the way.
【赏析】①译文没有把“他的家门南面”译成地点状语in the south of his house,避免重复使用there be句型。②译文把beyond his doorway提前,利用倒装结构很自然地引出主体“两座大山”。并且把“一座叫做太行山,一座叫做王屋山”译成同位语,十分简练。一位成绩不错的学生曾将此句译为“Two great mountains in the south of his house obstructed his way to the outSide.One is called Mount Tamang and the other Mount Wangwu”,虽然语言上没什么问题,但总觉得有些像口译,缺乏笔译的神韵。
【译文】Witlh great determination,he led his sons in digging up these mountains hoe in hand.
【赏析】①译文中没有把“下决心”译成decided to,而是译成介词词组with great determination,突出英语“静态”的语言特点。另外,把With great determination置于句首,一是强调,二是平衡句子结构。②译文中hoe in hand是独立主格结构,形象地再现了当时的情景。如果译成with hoes,则太强调hoes这类挖山工具的本身了。事实上,hoeinhand中的hoe和hand都使用单数形式,就是要描述一幅虽抽象却不失整体的画卷。试区别two books in his right hand(他右手拿着两本书)和book in hand(手里拿着书),两者的意境是不一样的。
【译文】Another greybeard,known as the Wise Old Man,saw them and said defisively,"How silly of you to do this!lt is quite impossible for you few to dig up these two huge mountains."
【赏析】①译文中known as the Wise OldMan是一个过去分词,作为插入成分修饰another greybeard,既简练又地道。②译文把原文中的间接引语处理成直接引语,符合译入语的语言习惯,更显生动。⑨译文中的few是you的同位语。few的增加非常妙,突出了主题。试想,如果没有few,虽然内容上差不多,但效果差之千里。
【译文】The Foolish Old Man replied,”When I die,my sons will carrry on;when they die,there will be my grandsons,and then their sons and grandsons,and SO on to infinity.High as they are,the mountains cannot grow any higher and with every bit we dig,they will be that much lower.Why can't we clear them away?”
【赏析】①译文中carry on很简练,无需译成continue with my work、go on with my job等。另外,and then后面省略了therewillbe,很地道。最后。toinfinity的使用可以看出译者用词的得心应手。②译文中Higll asthey are相当于Although they are high,是形容词提前的方式状语从句。译者在这里对语言的处理是有意的,一方面使句型富有变化,更重要的是通过把high提前突出主题,因为突出山之“高”才显挖山之“难”、挖山之“愚”。③对“挖一点就会少一点”多数学生的思路是使用“the morc⋯the more⋯”结构,可能译为“The morc we dig,the less high the
mo删ns will be.”但译文让人耳目一新,特别足修饰lower的that much正好对应于everybit,可见译者运用语言的细腻之处。
【译文】Having refuted the Wise Old Man’s wrong view,he went on digging every day,unshaken in his conviction.
【赏析】①译文利用完成式的现在分词Having refuted⋯表示先后的时间关系,使句型富有变化。②unshaken in his conviction是形容词组作状语,描述主语he,前面省去being更显简练。


One of production wastewater


1of industrial wastewater treatment method

一种处理工业污水的方法,属于污水处理技术领域。其是将污水引往集水池,对集水池末尾一格调节pH,用一级溶气水泵提升到一级压力溶气罐,同时吸入空气和聚凝脱色剂,将在一级压力溶气罐内的一级饱和溶气水骤然释放到一级气浮池形成一级处理水;一级处理水溢入缓冲池,再在控制pH用二级溶气水泵将一级处理水提升至二级压力溶气罐内,同时吸入空气和聚凝脱色剂,将二级压力溶气罐内的二级饱和溶气水骤然释放到二级气浮池形成二级处理水并自溢至沉淀池沉淀后排放;一、二级气浮池中的浮泥入浮泥池,压滤成滤饼,滤液回引至集水池。本方法处理的工业污水的CODcr、脱色率、SS、BOD5的去除率分别为80~90%、95%、90%以上、75-80%,符合GB8978-1996一级水排放标准。沼气发电是集环保和节能于一体的能源综合利用新技术。它利用工业污水经厌氧发酵处理产生的沼气,驱动沼气发电机组发电,并可充分利用发电机组的余热用于沼气生产,使综合热效率达 80 %左右,大大高于一般 30~40% 的发电效率,用户的经济效益显著是处理工业污水的好方法。

A kind of industrial sewage processing method, belonging to the technical field of sewage treatment. The sewage which leads to the sump for collecting tank, at the end of a regulator of pH, with a dissolved air pump to a pressure air dissolving tank, at the same time of inhaled air and coagulation decolourant, will be at the level of pressure dissolved air tank level within the saturated dissolved air water suddenly released into a flotation tank form a level of processing water; a water spill into the buffer pool, and then in the control of pH two gas dissolved water pump level water level to the two pressure dissolved air tank, at the same time of inhaled air and coagulation decolourant, two stage pressure dissolved air tank two level within the saturated dissolved air water suddenly released into the two stage flotation tank to form the two stage of processing water and overflow to the sedimentation tank for sedimentation after discharge; one or two level in the flotation tank floating mud into the mud pool, filter into cake, leachate to lead to water collecting tank. The method for processing industrial wastewater decolorization rate of CODcr, SS, BOD5, the removal rates were 80~ 90%,95%,90%,7580%, consistent with the GB89781996level water discharge standard. Biogas power generation is a set of environmental protection and energy saving in one of the new technology of comprehensive utilization of energy. It uses industrial wastewater by anaerobic fermentation processing to produce biogas, biogas generator drive, and can make full use of the waste heat generator for the production of biogas, the integrated thermal efficiency of about 80%, significantly higher than the general 30 ~40% of the power generation efficiency, user's remarkable economic benefit is industrial sewage processing method.


2agricultural sewage treatment method


Agricultural wastewater because of wide distribution and dispersion, difficult to collect is difficult to control, so only use the biological role of the pollutant removal, such as high density efficient decontamination bacteria, directly into the contaminated water, in order to achieve the purpose of purifying water.


3medical sewage treatment method


Hospital sewage treatment, usually including a stage and two stage treatment. Generally speaking, if the treated water is discharged to a municipal sewer, usually only primary treatment; if the treated water is discharged directly into the river, need to carry on a treatment and two stages of treatment; the emission standard is strict region, in order to prevent the eutrophication of water bodies, need for nitrogen and phosphorus removal of three stages of treatment. The acidic waste water, washing wastewater, radioactive sewage and other special hospital sewage, should be carried out in strict collection and treatment. Some areas to alleviate the conflict of water supply, has been performed in hospital sewage advanced treatment and recycling. Practical ways to treat hospital sewage, should consider the sources of sewage, sewage flows and the local water supply and other factors. In addition, the hospital sewage treatment is a very important aspect, is must be disinfected, to kill various pathogenic microorganisms.


Two of life sewage


1rural domestic sewage treatment method


For rural domestic sewage treatment, can be the following:


Sewage and septic tank, anaerobic pond and artificial wetland ( planting developed root system, like wet, absorption ability of Canna, Shuicong, calamus plant ) by the" filter" emission method for processing, mainly for rural decentralized sewage treatment, after the completion of operation cost is zero, the use of life in 10years or above.


2city sewage treatment method


According to the city sewage, can be the following processing:

将城市生活污水输送到城市周围的农村,利用农村广阔的土地来净化城市生活污水。将是一劳永逸与一举多得的好方法。以日供应生活用自来水100W立方的大中型城市为例:普通的污水处理设施造价1000元/立方。建设成本10亿,年运营成本100W立方/天×365×0.5元/立方=1.8亿.采用土壤净化法建设成本1000元/立方,年运营成本100W立方/天×365×0.1元/立方=0.4亿. 同时年节约农用水资源3.6亿立方,节约化肥约1万吨/年,减少农药用量5吨/年,综合效益可观。

The city sewage transported to the city around the country, the use of rural broad land to purification of city sewage. Will be to put things right once and for all and too good method. In order to supply living water cubic 100W is large and medium-sized city for example: common sewage treatment facility cost 1000 yuan / cubic. 1000000000years of construction cost, operation cost of 100W cubic meters / day x 365x 0.5yuan / cubic = 180000000. Using soil decontamination method construction cost of1000 yuan / cubic meters, annual operation cost of 100W cubic meters / day x 365x 0.1yuan / cubic = 40000000. While saving agricultural water resource of 360000000 cubic meters, saving about 10000tons of chemical fertilizer, reduce pesticide consumption5 tons / year, integrated benefit is considerable.

Republic of France in western Europe. Size 5 5 1 6 0 2 sq km. 3 0 0 0 km long coastline. Residents mostly France. Catholic residents more letter. French as an official language.5 century, a kingdom. 1 5 a centralized state at the end of the century. 1789 eruption of bourgeois revolution. Since then, the Republic has established a five and two empires. 1958 Fifth Republic was born.Prior to the Second World War, France was the second largest of the British colonial empire, the colonial area equivalent to 20 times the local community. After the war, most have separate French colony. January 27, 1964 to establish diplomatic relations with China.Southeast high-low topography. Central and southern central highlands, north-west of Northern France is plain. Most areas of the marine climate of temperate broadleaf forest, coastal and southern Rhone valley to the Mediterranean-type climate is subtropical. Annual average precipitation from northwest to southeast from 6 0 0 to 1 0 0 0 mm increments to mm. Bauxite, uranium ore reserves in Western European countries, tops the first. Iron, potassium is also abundant. Forest area accounted for 26% of the area.Industrialized countries, a high concentration of production and capital GDP amongst the highest in the world. The major industrial sectors of mining, metallurgy, automobiles, shipbuilding, machinery, textile, chemical, electrical, food, etc. Nuclear energy, petrochemical, marine development, arms, aviation and space sectors are developing rapidly and have amongst the highest in the world. 1993 output of major industrial products are : 16.61 million tons of steel, 12.01 million tons of pig iron, coal reached 10.35 million tons, 2.52 million tons of pulp, 2.8 million vehicles cars, generating 4 5 1 0 kW / hour. Agriculture developed for the world famous agricultural exporting countries. Category of major agricultural products are wheat, maize, potatoes, beet, rice, tobacco, grapes. 1 9 9 3 tons of wheat 24.9 million tonnes, barley 6.5 million tons, corn 13.3 million tons, 5.3 billion litres of wine grapes. France is Western Europe "common market" countries, the main target is Western Europe trade "common market" countries. Exports machinery, chemicals, automobiles, steel and food. Imported fuels, the Military Industrialization raw materials, ores. Rail 3 5 0 0 0 km, the road about 8 0 million metres. Capital Paris, a city renowned Eiffel transmission tower, construction, a city southwest Versailles Palace. Automobiles, electrical industry renowned textile and cosmetics industries are also developed. Le Havre, Lille, Rouen, Nantes, Lyon, Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Marseille are important industrial center. Other important festivals : National Day on July 14. Mrs. die for a good cause Japan May 30. Established diplomatic relations with Japan : January 27, 1964. Money : franc. Time : one hour earlier than Greenwich time;At night than seven hours. National flower : iris, roses. Name Interpretation : France moves by France evolution from tribal members. France moves in the Germanic language China and Italy as "courageous and free." Folk : France is champagne, brandy wine hometown. It was felt that if left home New Year's Eve Night wine coming year will be to stay. France is the most expensive dishes Egan, the Frenchman most favorite snail and frog legs.

原文:法兰西共和国位于欧洲西部。面积5 5 1 6 0 2 平方千米。海岸线长约3 0 0 0 千米。居民多为法兰西人。居民多信天主教。法语为官方语言。

5 世纪建立王国。1 5 世纪末形成中央集权国家。1 7 8 9 年爆发资产阶级革命。此后,先后建立过五次共和国和两次帝国。1 9 5 8 年第五共和国诞生。第二次世界大战前,法国是仅次于英国的第二号殖民帝国,殖民地面积等于本土2 0 倍。战后,法属殖民地大部先后独立。1 9 6 4 年1 月2 7 日同我国建交。

地势东南高西北低。中南部有中央高原,西北部是北法平原。大部分地区属海洋性温带阔叶林气候,南部沿海和罗讷河谷地属亚热带地中海式气候。年平均降水量从西北往东南由6 0 0 毫米递增到1 0 0 0 毫米左右。铝土矿、铀矿储量在西欧各国中均居第一位。铁、钾盐也相当丰富。森林面积占全国面积的2 6 % 。

工业发达国家,生产和资本高度集中,国内生产总值位居世界前列。主要工业部门有矿业、冶金、汽车、造船、机械、纺织、化学、电器、食品等。核能、石化、海洋开发、军火、航空和宇航等部门发展很快,已位居世界前列。1 9 9 3 年主要工业产品产量为:粗钢1 6 6 1 万吨、生铁1 2 0 1 万吨、原煤达1 0 3 5 万吨、纸浆2 5 2 万吨、小汽车2 8 0 万辆、发电4 5 1 0 千瓦/ 小时。农业发达,为世界著名的农产品出口国。主要农产品有麦类、玉米、马铃薯、甜菜、稻米、烟草、葡萄 等。1 9 9 3 年产小麦2 4 9 0 万吨、大麦6 5 0 万吨、玉米1 3 3 0 万吨、葡萄 酒5 3 亿升。法国是西欧“共同市场”成员国,主要外贸对象是西欧“共同市场”国家。出口机械、化学品、汽车、钢铁和粮食。进口燃料、军事工业原料、矿石等。有铁路3 5 0 0 0 多千米,公路约8 0 万千米。



重要节日:国庆日7 月1 4 日。贞德就义日5 月3 0 日。

与我建交日:1 9 6 4 年1 月2 7 日。


时差:比格林尼治时间早1 小时;比北京时间晚7 小时。







