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九年级英语基本语法知识 人教版九年级英语整一个学年主要学哪些语法知识点

作者&投稿:佘牲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

动词不定式就是to do。

This is a good place to live.
本来应当是to live in,但由于所修饰的名词是place,介词in可以省略。
同理,I have no way to go(to).



呵呵 希望对你有所帮助 祝楼主进步哈
By是个很常用的介词(有时也用作副词),在初中英语中的用法有以下几种: 1.意为“在……旁”、“靠近”。如: Some are singing and dancing under a big tree . Some are drawing by the lake. 有的在大树下唱歌跳舞,有的在湖边画画儿。 2.意为“不迟于”、“到……时为止”。如: Your son will be all right by supper time. 你的儿子在晚饭前会好的。 How many English songs had you learned by the end of last term? 到上个学期末你们已经学了多少首英语歌曲? 3.表示方法、手段,可译作“靠”、“用”、“凭借”、“通过”、“乘坐”等。如: The monkey was hanging from the tree by his tail and laughing.
猴子用尾巴吊在树上哈哈大笑。 The boy’s father was so thankful that he taught Edison how to send messages by railway telegraph.
孩子的父亲是那么的感激,于是他教爱迪生怎样通过铁路电报来传达信息。 4.表示“逐个”、“逐批”的意思。如: One by one they went past the table in the dark.
他们一个一个得在黑暗中经过这张桌子。5.表示“根据”、“按照”的意思。如:What time is it by your watch? 你的表几点了? 6.和take , hold等动词连用,说明接触身体的某一部分。如: I took him by the hand. 我拉住了它的手。 7.用于被动句中,表示行为主体,常译作“被”、“由”等。如: English is spoken by many people. 英语被许多人所说。(即“许多人讲英语。”) 8.组成其它短语。 1) by the way : 意为“顺便说”、“顺便问一下”,常做插入语。如: By the way , where’s Li Ping , do you know?
顺便问一下,李平在哪儿。你知道吗? 2) by oneself : 意为“单独”、“自行”。如: I can’t leave her by herself. 我不能把她单独留下。 3) by and by : 意为“不久以后”、“不一会儿”。如: But by and by , more and more people began to study English. 但是不久以后,越来越多的人开始学英语了。
Fighting broke out between the South and the North.南方与北方开战了。2)作宾语Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please?
请问你介意调小一点收音机的音量吗?3)作表语Babysister’s job is washing,cooking and taking care of the children。保姆的工作是洗衣服,作饭和照看孩子。
used to 的用法:(1)肯定句:used这个词没有人称的变化,to后面接动词原形。 否定句是didn’t use to….
When I was a child, I didn’t use to like apples.当我还是孩子的时候我不喜欢苹果.
疑问形式是Did you use to…?Where did you use to live before you came here?当你来这儿之前你住哪儿?
(2)含有used to 的句子的反意疑问句不要usedn’t + 主语,而用didn’t + 主语。He used to smoke, didn’t he? 他过去常常吸烟,是吗?Yes, he did./ No, he didn’t. 是的,他吸。/ 不,他不吸。
(3)used to 表示过去的习惯动作, 而不是现在的。I am used to the weather here. 我已经习惯于这里的天气了。He is used to hard work. 他习惯于艰苦的工作。
(4)used to 可以和be, have 以及其他状态动词连用,描写过去的状态。 I used to be a waiter, but now I’m a taxi-driver.我过去是一个服务员,但现在我是出租车司机。
★ 本单元的许多运用used to 的句子属于描述过去的状态。Mario used to be short. 马力奥过去总是很矮。Amy used to be outgoing. 爱米过去性格外向。Tina used to have long and straight hair.蒂娜过去有一头直的长头发。He used to wear black shoes. 他过去常穿黑鞋。
本单元重点讲到了被动语态的用法 英语动词的被动语态由助动词be加及物动词的过去分词构成。助动词be有时态,人称和数的变化,其变化规则与连系动词be完全一样。
(1)If it is sunny tomorrow , we’ll go to the zoo.
(2)If I were you , I would go at once.
主句用 “should/would/could/ might +动词原形。
1.If I had time, I would go for a walk.
2.If I were invited, I would go to the dinner party.
3.If I won a million dollars in the lottery, I would put it in the bank.
知识点2. He doesn’t know if he should bring a present.
E.g.1. I don’t know if I should go to the party.
2.If I have enough money, I will go to Hainan .
知识点3.If I were you , I’d wear a shirt and tie.
if 引导的条件状语从句表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气时,be动词只能用were,而不能用was。
E.g. If he were here, he would not agree with you .
知识点4. I don’t have a present. What if everyone else brings a present?
What if… “如果……怎么办?”相当于 what would happen if…
E.g. What shall I do if it snows?
知识点5.Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble.
Trouble 麻烦事 ,名词
常用搭配 :get (sb)into trouble get out of trouble what’s the trouble
1. who 指人,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略)
The man who I talked with is our teacher.
A person who steals things is called a thief.
2. whom指人,作宾语 (作宾语可省略,如介词提前则不能省)
The man (whom/who) I nodded to is Mr. Li.
The man to whom I nodded is Professor Li.
3. which 指物,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略, 如介词提前则不能省)
These are the trees which were planted last year.
This recorder (which) he is using is made in Japan.
Is this the library (which) you borrow books from?
Is this the library from which you borrow books?
4. that 指人/物,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略)
A plane is a machine. It can fly.→A plane is a machine that can fly.
He is the man. I told you about him. →He is the man (that) I told you about.
The scientist is very famous in the world. We met her yesterday.

The scientist Ø we met yesterday is very famous in the world.
The dress is new. She is wearing it.

The dress that she is wearing is new.
(3) He is the kind person. I have ever worked with him.

He is the kind person that I have ever worked with.
This is the best film. I have ever seen this film.

This is the best film that I have ever seen.
1 由于关系代词在主句与从句间既起到联系作用,又在从句中充当一个成分,因此, 要正确判断关系代词在从句中的功能,如作主语还是宾语等。
2 当先行词指人时,关系代词可用who(做主语,宾语),that(做主语,宾语),whom(作宾语),whose(作定语)
3 当先行词指物时,关系代词可用that(做主语,宾语),which(做主语,宾语)
4 再定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词长可省略,但在介词后面的关系代词不能省略。指人时,介词后只用whom,指物时,介词后只用which。
5 在非限制性定语从句中,指人时,只用who,指物时,只用which。Unit8
1.动词+副词 如:give up 放弃 turn off 关掉 stay up 熬夜
这种结构有时相当于及物动词,如果其宾语是代词,就必须放在动词和副词之间,如果是名词,则既可插在动词和副词之间,也可放 在短语动词后。
2. 动词+介词 如:listen of 听 look at 看 belong to 属于
3. 动词+副词+介词 如:come up with 提出,想出 run out of 用完,耗尽
4. 动词+名词(介词) 如:take part in参加 catch hold of 抓住
not only … but (also) … 不但… 而且… 用来连接两个并列的成分
(1)引导以 not only …but (also)… 开头的句子往往引起部分倒装。
因此 ⑴Not only do I feel good but (also)…. 是倒装句。也是说得要
①Not only can I do it but (also) I can do best. 我不仅能做到而且做得最好。
⑵Not only…but (also)… 接两主语时,谓语动词随后面的主语人称和数的变化 也就是就近原则 如:
①Not only Lily but (also) you like cat. 不仅莉莉而且你也喜欢猫。
②Not only you but (also) Lily likes cat. 不仅你而且莉莉喜欢猫。
Neither… nor…即不…也不… (两者都不)
Neither you nor I like him. 我和你都不喜欢他。
Either… or… 不是…就是… (两者中的一个)
Either Lily or you are a student.
Not only …but (also)…
There be
Unit 9 When was it invented ?
被动语态基本结构:be+及物动词的过去分词 (如果是不用物动词,其过去分词应带有相应的介词)
一般现在时:S(主语)+am/is /are +P.P(动词的过去分词)
一般过去时:S+was/were +P.P.
情态动词:S+ can/may/must/should + be+ P.P.
一般将来时:S+ will+be+ P.P.
现在进行时:S+am/is /are+being +P.P
现在完成时:S+ have/has + been+ P.P.
过去进行时:S+ was/were+being+ P.P.
被动语态中的be 是助动词,有人称、数和时态的变化。
被动语态中动作的发出者或执行者做介词by的宾语,放在句末,by 表示“由,被”的意思
It is believed that …… 人们认为 …… It is said that …… 据说 ……
It is thought that …… 人们认为 …… It is known that …… 众所周知 ……
It is reported that ……据报道 …… It is proved that ……据证明 ……
It is announced that ……据宣布 …… It is suggested that ……据建议 ……
It is requested that ……据要求 …… It is demanded that ……据要求 ……
1、 These eggs ______ in the Gobi Desert by a group of scientists.
A. are founded B. were founded C. found D. were found
此题应该选用D项。从“ These eggs… ”中可知前面的主语是“find”动词的承受者,而 “…by a group of scientists.”更加证明了这一点,“ were founded”意思为“被成立”,故应该选用“were found”。
2、 I _____ a present by my father on my birthday every year.
A. give B. was given C. will be given D. am given
此题应该选用D项。从“by my father ”中可知前面的主语是“give”动词的承受者,而 “… . every year”证明了要用现在时态的被动语态结构,故应该选用“am given”。
3、 He was _________ in the open air just now .
A. hearing singing B. heard sing C. heard to sing D. hearing sing
此题应该选用C项。从“He was… ”中可知前面的主语是“hear ”动词的承受者,而 动词不定式当中的“hear sb do sth”在被动语态中要加“to ”,故应该选用“heard to sing”。
4、 Several man-made satellites ________ by China in the last few years.
A. have been sent up B. have sent up C. are sent up D. were sent up
此题应该选用A项。从“…by China in the last few years. ”中可知前面的主语是“ send up”动词的承受者,而 “in the last few years.”意思为“在过去的几年中”,应该用完成时态, 而不是过去时态,故应该选用“have been sent up”。
5、 Another new road ______in our home town next year.
A. will build B. is built C. will be built D. has been built
此题应该选用C项。从“…next year. ”中可知是将来时态,而前面的主语是“ Another new road”是“ build”动词的承受者,故应该选用“ will be built”。
Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left
1. 过去完成时
(1) 构成:由助动词had + 过去分词 构成
否定式:had not + 过去分词 缩写形式:hadn’t
(2) 用法
(3) 它所表示的时间是“过去的过去”。
①表示过去某一时间可用by, before 等构成的短语来表示
②也可以用when, before, after 等引导的时间状语从句来表示
When I got there, you had already eaten you meal.
By the time he got here, the bus had left.
1、He said he had never seen that film before. Instead,he_____many novels.
A. has read B. had readed C. had wrote D. had read
此题应该选用D项。从“He said he had never seen that film before ”中
可知是过去完成时态,而从“ Instead,”中可以知道与前面的宾语从句是并列的内容,故应该选用“had read”。
2、The train ______ for a while when they got to the station.
A. had left B. had been away C. had gone D. has been away
此题应该选用B项。从“for a while ”中可知要用完成时态的持续性动
词连接,而从“when they got to the station. ”中可以知道过去时间点以前的事情,应该用故应该选用“had been away ”。
3、A week later, I received a book that I _____ on line.
A. has ordered B. had ordered C. would order D. was ordering
此题应该选用B项。从“I received a book ”中可知与动词“order ”的
前后关系,应该是在“收到书以前已经预订了”,故应该用“order”的过去完成时态结构表示“过去的过去”这一概念。故应该选用“had ordered”。
4、The boy told his mother that he ____ ill since he came back from the school.
A. has been B. would be C. had been D. was
此题应该选用C项。从“ …since he came back from the school.”中可知前面的主句是完成时态,但是从“The boy told his mother ”结构中可以知道应该用相应的过去时态,,故应该选用“had been”。
5、When we got to the field, the football match ____ already ______.
A. has started B. had started C. will begin D. is going to start
此题应该选用B项。从“already ”中可知是完成时态,但是从“ When we got to the field”结构中可以知道应该用相应的过去时态,故应该选用“had started ”。
Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?
A.宾语从句:宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语,引导宾语从句的关联词有that, if/whether, what, who, whose, which, why, when, where, how等。
eg. He said that he would like to see the headmaster.
2)由连接词whether/if引导一般疑问句,whether和if 常可互换,但下列场合一般用whether.
①介词后的宾语从句:I'm thinking of whether he'll come.
②与or not连用:I don't know whether I should go or not.
3)由连接代词what, who(whom,whose)which或连接副词when, where, why,how引导特殊疑问句。 eg. Do you know who/whom she is waiting for?
(1).Bill wanted to know who did this. (2).I don't know what's the matter with Bob?
(3).I don't know what's wrong with them?
eg.①Lily wanted to know whether her grandma liked the handbag. ②I asked the teacher where we would have the meeting. ③Could you tell me how I can get to the zoo?
如果从句表明的是一个客观事实或真理,那么无论主句是什么时态,从句都只能用一般现在时。 eg. The teacher told us that light travels much faster than sound.
注意:在think后的宾语从句,如果需要表示否定意义,一般不在宾语从句中否定,而是在主句中否定。 eg. I don’t think that English is easy. I think that English is not easy. ( 误)
Could you tell me how to get to the park?
请你告诉我怎么才能去邮局好吗?中的how to get to the park
相当于how I can get to the park(宾语从句)如:
I don’t know how to solve the problem. ==
I don’t know how I can solve the problem.我不知道如何解决这个问题
Can you tell me when to leave? ==
Can you tell me when I ill leave? 你能告诉我什么时候离开?

Unit12 You are supposed to shake hands.
should have asked”是“情态动词+现在完成时”表示过去本应该做某事,事实上没有做
I find it difficult to remember everything.

形式宾语 真正宾语

find / think + it/them +形容词 to do sth. 如:
I think it hard to study English.
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
make sb./sth. + adj. 使某人(感到),使……处于某种状态
make sb. / sth. + do …使某人做某事(不能带不定式符号to)
make it 习惯用语,及时赶到,到达目的地
make of /from./out of
★Make of 原材料制成成品后,原材料未经任何化学变化,仍保持原有性质. 例如: The chair is made of wood. At first people believed that air was made of only one gas.★Make from 当原材料制成成品后,经过了化学变化,失去了原有性质.
make up of 常用于被动结构:be made up of相当于consist of(由…组成) make up from 由…所制造
Unit 14 Have you packed yet?
用法: 1.表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,常与一些时间状语,如:already, yet, ever, never, just, before, once, twice等连用,也可以和包括现在在内的时间状语,如these days, today, this year, so far等连用.eg.I have already posted the letter. (信已经不在我这儿了)
★①already通常用于肯定句。 I have already told him.我已经告诉他了.  I have already put it in my suitcase. 我已经把它放进我的手提箱了.
★②yet常用于疑问句和否定句。 ----Have you watered the tree yet? 你浇树了吗?  ----Yes,I have already watered it. 我浇了. ----Have you fed the dog? 你喂过狗了吗?  ----No. I haven’t fed it yet.没有,我没喂. 2.表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,一直持续到现在,也许还将继续下去,可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在的一段时间的状语连用,即for +时间段,since+时间点/从句, in the last ten years等,谓语只可用延续性动词.
解析: 1.英语动词根据词义可分为两种,一种是延续性的,一种是终止性的,终止性动词(也可称为非延续性动词,瞬间动词,或点动词),如begin,start,die,buy,leave, come等,表示动作的发生与结束于一瞬间完成,不能再延续,所以它的现在完成时不能和表示延续的时间状语连用,即不能与表示一段时间的状语,for+时间段, since+时间点/从句连用,也不能用在how long引导的特殊疑问句中.
eg. I've left Shanghai for three days.(×) I've been away from Shanghai for three days.( √ ).
I left Shanghai three days ago. ( √ ) It is /has been three days since I left Shanghai.( √ )
2.初中英语课本中常见终止性动词有:leave, go, come, arrive, begin, buy, borrow, die, join, become等.终止性动词要表示持续时, 可用以下方法:
⑴.将时间状语改为时间段 + ago,句中谓语动词用一般过去时.
eg.我弟弟参军两年了. My brother joined the army two years ago.
⑵.若保留for+时间段,since+时间点/从句, 或用在 how long 句型中,则需将终止性动词改为相应的状态动词或延续性动词
come/go/arrive/get/reach/move------be in/at open-----be open
die------be dead close----be closed become---be borrow---keep begin/start-----be on put on----wear leave-----be away (from)
buy-----have fall asleep----be asleep end/finish-----be over
catch a cold-----have a cold join the army----be in the army be a soldier
join the Party----be in the Party be a Party member
→My brother has been in the army for two years. →My brother has been a soldier for two years.
3.现在完成时中been to, gone to和been in/at been to去过某地,表示某人的一种经历,可以和once, twice, already, ever, never等连用.
4.现在完成时中的 for 与 since
for + 时间段 与延续性动词的现在完成时连用 since + 时间点/从句
I have kept the library book for a week.= I have kept the library book since a week ago. 5. It is /has been +一段时间 + since 从句.自从某事发生已有一段时间了. eg. It is /has been two years since my brother joined the army. 注意:1.since 引导的从句中动词用过去时
2.when 引导 的特殊问句不与现在完成时连用.
3.have got,has got 虽然是现在完成时,但have got=have has got==has

九年级上册语法知识点总结Unit 1Topic11 it’s + adj +to do sth. 做、、、是…样的2 come back from 从、、、回来3 take place 发生4 more and more 越来越多5 have been to 去过、、、6 have gone to 去了、、、7 take photos 照相8 take part in 参加9 have no time to do没时间做、、、 10 in detail 详细的11 in order to 为了12 afford 负担得起support支持 13 get a good education 受好教育14 see …oneself亲眼所见15 have a chance to do 16有机会做、、、16 Keep in touch with保持联系17 far away 远离18 reform and opening-up改革开放 19 not only …but also 不但而且20 make rapid progress取得巨大进步21 prefer A to B更喜欢A22 现在完成时结构:肯:S+ have\has +动分否:S+ have\has + not +动分疑:Have\has+S+动分答:Yes, S+ have\has No, S+ haven’t\hasn’tUnit 1Topic21 get lost;走失,迷路2 so do I .我也如此否:neither +be\do\情态动词+主语so +主语+ be\助动词\情态动词 (表达两者对同一事物的看法) A 如此,A的确如此3 it seems that+从句4 population 人口,居民 常用large或small来修饰5 happen 碰巧发生, 指偶6 take the place of代替、、、的位置7because 因为,连接从句 because of +n.\v-ing 短语8 be strict with sb 对某人要求严格be strict in( doing )sth 对做某事要求严格9increase by 表示:增加了、、、10increase to+具体的增长后的数字11 反义疑问句:前肯后否,前否后肯12 carry out 实行,进行,执行13 What’s the population of...?=What’ the number of the people in ...?14one child policy 独生子女政策15developing country发展中国家16 developed country 发达国家17数字的读法来试着总结一下: 1)三个数字为一组 2) 百位和十位之间用and连接(如果没有十位,百位和各位之间也用and连) 2)thousand (三位数前)million(六位数前)billion(九位数前)18cause;引起,导致=bring about19分数:母序子基,分子大于1,分母加s四分之一亦作: a quarter 二分之一亦作: a half20be short of 缺乏21be short for 是、、、的缩写22be known as =be famous as作为、、、而闻名23be famous for因为、、、而闻名 be famous in在、、方面而闻名24work well in doing sth.做的好25take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事26 offer to do sth. 主动提出要做某事 offer sb sth 给某人提供某物27prefer: 更喜欢1)prefer A to B 和A比较更喜欢B2) prefer doing sth. 更喜欢做某3)prefer to do rather than do sth.宁愿而不28 called =named= with the name of 叫做29 unless 除非,如果不= if not30 a couple of 一对,一双,夫妇31 a place of interest一处名胜32现在完成时态二:1现在完成时不能和明确的表示过去的时间状语联用,如:yesterday, last week, in 1999等,它们适用与一般过去时。2)常与不明确的过去时间状语联用:already, yet, just, before, ever, lately, once等。Unit 1Topic31how do you like...?= what do you think of ...?2get used to (doing) sth.习惯于做某事3 used to do sth.过去总是做某事4 be used to do sth 被用作、、、5 since and for since:1)since+过去某一时间点或句子如具体的年、月、日期、钟点、1980, last month, half past six)。2) since +一段时间+ ago 3) since +从句for+一段时间6 is called 被称为 7 success n. successful adj. successfully adv.succeed v. 成功succeed in doing sth.成功做事
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22中李红丽 新手上路 UID8134 帖子10 精华0 积分5 在线时间1 小时 注册时间2007-7-11 沙发 发表于 2009-12-24 10:15 | 只看该作者 Unit 2Topic11 be harmful to sb.\sth.对某人物有害2 there be +sth\sb doing sth 有某人或某物正在做某事3 pour...into ..把、、、倒入、、、4 a waste of time 浪费时间5 influence v. 对、、、有影响 6 hold one’s breath. 摒住呼吸 7 take a deep breath深呼吸8 in a bad mood坏心情9 in a good mood 好心情10 can’t stand sth\doing sth. 不能容忍(做)某事11 hope +从句wish sb to do sth hope to do sth12take drugs 吸毒 表示服药都用 take 或have ,不用eat.13so that 结果状语从句14 not all .部分否定“不是所有的、、15 quite a few 许多大量16 it is reported \it is said 据报道\据说 17 no better than 和、几乎一样坏18 do (great) harm to 对、、、有害19 have an (no) effect on sth. 对某事有(没)影响20 many kinds of许多种21 be bad for 对、、、有害22 greener people 环保者23 high blood pressure 高血压24直接引语变间接引语1)若直接引语引号里的内容是陈述句,那么改为间接时,要用连词 (that)2)一般疑问句要用连词 if/whether (不可以省略) 去掉引号加if(或whether), 陈述语序要记住。 时态、人称和状语, 小心变化别马虎。3)特殊疑问句要用连词 wh- 即特殊疑问词本身(不可省)直接去引号, 陈述莫忘掉。 助动do(does)、did, 一定要去掉。时态:直接引语变间接引语时态对应转换表 直接引语时态 间接引语时态 一般现在时→ 一般过去时 一般将来时→ 过去将来时 现在进行时→ 过去进行时 一般过去时→ 过去完成时 现在完成时→ 过去完成时 过去完成时→ 过去完成时 Unit 2Topic21 as a result 结果2 something useful有用的东西3 none of 一个也没有4 here and there 到处5 care for=take care of 照顾6 change into变成7 stop\prevent…from doing阻止8 cut down砍倒9 human beings人类10 millions of数百万的11 take away拿走12 the level of 、、的水平13 refer to 涉及到14 take up占据15 deal with处理16 不定代词:some\any\no\every+thing\one\body\where (谓三,定后)Unit 2Topic31 work for 为、、、工作2 it’s \was +|adj+of\for sb to do sth.3 be supposed to do sth 应该4并列连词 and 表示并列or 表示选择,否则while 表示对比 but表示转折5 ought to 情态动词+动原6 on time 按时,准时7 make sure of 弄清楚、、8 make sure +从句9 in time ,及时10 on time 按时11 nuclear energy 原子核能源12 one of + 名词复数(谓三)13 biogas technology 生物气技术14 rennewable energy可再生资源15 1990s 20世纪90年代16 the best-known最著名的17 how often 多长时间一次(频率)18 how long 多长时间(回答时间短)19 how soon 多久(多用将来时回答)20 how far 多远(距离)


22中李红丽 新手上路 UID8134 帖子10 精华0 积分5 在线时间1 小时 注册时间2007-7-11 板凳 发表于 2009-12-24 10:16 | 只看该作者 Unit3Topic11 stick to 坚持坚守+名词2 stick to+ving 坚持做某事3一般现在时被动语态:S+is/am/are+及物动词过去分词4 one day 将来有一天、过去的一天5 some day 只表示将来有一天6 can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待7 have a (good) chance to do sth 有(好)机会做某事8 have no chance to do sth. 没机会做某事9 throughout the world 全世界10 try\do one’s best to do竭尽所能做某事11 from now on 从现在开始12 pleased with 对、、、满意13 on business 出差14 be similar to 和、、、相似15 be the same as 和、、、一样16 It’s possible that+ 从句17 have (no) trouble \difficulty (in) doing sth.做某事(没)有麻烦18 be in trouble 处于不幸苦恼19 if necessary如果有必要20 translate...into...翻译21 ask sb for help 向某人求助22 study n.研究书房 v 学习23 show sb the way to指路24 show sb +疑问词+ to do25a number of 许多+复数名词26 the number of…、、、的总数(谓三)27 regard …as…把、、、看作、、、=consider…as…28含有情态动词的被动语态,结构:情态动词can,may,should等+be+及物动词的过去分词否定:应在情态动词后面加not;疑问:应将情态动词移到句首29 in the nineteenth century. 表示世纪in the +序数词+century30 take the leading position 处于领先地位Unit3Topic21 follow the doctor’s advice遵医嘱2 say hello to sb 向某人问好3 different adj. difference n. differently adv.4 be different from5 English-speaking countries 讲英语的国家6 spoken English 英语口语7用现在进行时态表将来,有意图打 算安排的含义,比较生动,所常用的动词有:(come go start leave arrive ...)8 depend on 视、、、而定,取决于、、、9 make +宾语+过去分词:make myself understood 使、、、怎么样 表示被动的含义10人做主语 need to do 11物做主语need doing =need to be done 12 What do you mean? = what’s your meaning?13see sb off =send sb off 送别14the way to去、、的路15with his thumb rais手指向上16reach get to arrive at(小\in 大)到达17clam down 冷静18 send sb sth=send sth to sb 给某人寄,发送、、、19 in twenty minutes 20分钟后 in+时间段 用于将来时 20 Are you kidding? 21 be worried about sth\sb 对、、、担心22 generally speaking 一般来说,23 as for sb\sth 至于某人某物24 frist floor 一楼second floor 二楼 (美式英语) ground floor 一楼first floor 二楼 second floor 三楼(英式英语)25though =although=even though虽然,尽管26 be close to 靠近27 ask for a ride 搭乘28 give sb a ride 捎某人一段路29 come about 发生30 be forced to do sth 被迫做、、、31 in the beginning 最初,起初 32German 德语,德国人 Germany 德国 变复数:中日不变英法变,其他S在后面German--Germans 33 write to sb 给某人写信34 in the past +时间段 ,在过去的、、、,通常用于现在完成时35 I’m going. 我要走了(现在进行时除表现在外,还可以表示将来。现在进行时表将来时常有“意图”“安排”或“打算”的含义。这种现在进行时比较生动,给人一种期待感)Unit3Topic31 have long conversations with 与、、、常谈2 work hard at...在、、、努力3 oral English=spoken English 口语4 in public5 sleepy adj 困的,欲睡的;asleep adj. 熟睡的,睡着的;sleepless adj失眠的sleep v.n 睡;sleeper n.睡的很沉的人.6 be afraid of doing(自己也无法左右的突发事情)be afraid to do7 it seems that +从句= sb \sth seems to do 似乎好像8 I don’t know what to do.疑问词+动词不定式做宾语 9 at times 有时10 feel like+n.\pron.\ doing sth =would like +n\pron\to do sth. 喜欢,想要11 give up doing sth. 放弃做某事12 keep a diary 记日记 (有习惯) write a diary 写一篇日记13 I beg your pardon. 对不起,请原谅14 give sb some advice(n.) on \about...给某人一些有关、、、的建议15 do lots of listening practice 做大量听力训练16 breathe v. breath 17 wonder v.想知道=want to know18 the best time to do sth. 做某事最好的时间19 advise(v.) sb to do sth.建议某人做某事20 hold (have)a class meeting 开班会21 in one’s opinion 依某人的看法22 It’s an honor to do sth.做某事感到荣幸23 Good job! = Well done!24 remember to do \doing(forget to do\doing)25 as long as 只要=only if 26 agree with sb同意某人的意见27 agree to do sth同意做某事28 agree on sth 同意某事29 belive in sb 信任某人 belive sb 相信某人30 not always 未必,不一定31 last but not least 最后但同样重要32 keep (on) doing sth.一直不断地做某事33 keep sb doing th 让某人一直做某事34 总结:wh-+ to do wh-指when where what which who whom 及how ,他们和动词不定式联用, 即为wh-+to do 结构,在句中常用作主语表语或宾语


22中李红丽 新手上路 UID8134 帖子10 精华0 积分5 在线时间1 小时 注册时间2007-7-11 4# 发表于 2009-12-24 10:16 | 只看该作者 Unit4Topic11the legend about 有关、、、的传说2 be known to 被、、、知道了3 dream of doing sth 梦想做、、后也可直接+n.\pron. 梦见、、、4make great progress in (doing)sth 在某方面取得巨大进步5 achieve one’s dream 实现,成就某人的梦想6 speed n.速度 at a high speed 高速 7 at a speed of 以、、、的速度8 in every direction 向四面八方9 introduction n. 介绍introduce v.介绍,引进 10 introduce...to sb把、、、介绍给、、、、11 expect sb to do sth期望某人做某事12 a kind of all kinds of many different kinds of 13 others 泛指其他的 the others特指其他的,后不接名词other 泛指其他的 the other特指其他的 后可加名词 other+名词=others the other+名词=the others14究竟,到底15 add ...to...加,增加 16 on earth 在地球上17 there is no doubt 毫无疑问18 place and cancel orders下订单和取消订单 19 come into being出现, 产生,开始存在20 instead of 代替,而不是21 for instance =for example 例如such as 常指列举同类事物22 one’s own 某人自己的23 follow sb to do sth 跟着某人去做某事24 type (it) in 把它输入25 conect ...to \with把、、、和、、、连接26 turn on 打开 turn off 关闭 turn up大声 turn down 小声(各种开关)Unit4Topic21 be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事 2 allow sb to do sth. 允许某人做某事3 too much 太多,即可修饰不可数名词也可修饰动词名前动后4 much too放在形容词和副词之前,太、、、 much too long 太长 much too fast太快5 show sth to sb = show sb sth 把某物给某人看6 show sb around 带领某人参观7 be made of 看得出原材料8 be made from 看不出原材料9 be made in 在、、、制造10 be made by sb 由某人制造11 be used for 被用来做12 be used by 被谁所用13 be used to do 被用来做、、、14 in people’s daily life在人们的日常生活15 it’s said that 据说,听说 16 during one’s life 某人的一生17 go this way 这边请18 was created 被创造 19 DNA脱氧核糖核酸20 has been used 现在完成时的被动语态 结构:have\has +been+动分21 no one 用来指认其后不能接of ,用作主语时谓语动词用单三22 none不仅指认也可指物,其后常接of短语23 none用来回答how many no one 用来回答who24 know\say for certain 确切的知道25 be surprised at \by +名词、代词 为、、、而感到惊讶26 be surprised to do sth. 为、、、而感到惊讶27 think for oneself 独立思考28 think to oneself 自己心里想29 warn sb to do sth 警告某人做某事30 Warn sb about\of sth 警告某人某事31Warn sb against doing sth =warn sb not to sth 警告某人不做某事32 no longer 不再=not …any longer 33 treat sb\sth as\like sth.以、、、的方式对待34 be meant to do sth.应该做某事特别是应某人的吩咐或根据职责35 in the …field 在、、、领域36 make a contribution(s) tosth.\doing sth.为、、、做贡献37 in…direction 按、朝、、、的放心38 work well 奏效,起作用39总结:一般过去时的被动语态was\were +动词的过去分词40 work as 从事某种职业41 work on、upon 从事,忙于42 the rest 剩余的部分+ of+名词43 lose one’s way=get lost 迷路44 work out 计算,算出Unit4Topic31 be able to 的意义等同于can,但是can 没有将来时和完成时2 be able to 与can 不能重叠使用3 What fun! 多么有趣啊!4 not…until… 直到、、、才、、、5 think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect 否定前移6 with one’s own eyes 亲眼所见7 on the radio 通过收音机8 discover v.发现invent v.发明9 find out 找出1 0 base… on 以、、、为根据11 decide to do sth. 决定做某事 decide on sth 决定某事12 name…after… 以、的名字给、、、取名 13 be named after (被动语态) 14 at a distance of 相隔15 at a distance 在远处16 two-fifths as strong as相当于、、、的五分之二强度17 half as big as 像、、、一半那样大18 twice as long as 像、、、两倍那样长19 what’s worse 更糟的是、、、20 What’s more 更有甚者,而且21…there has been… 已经有、、、 22 there may be 可能有23 there will be=there is going to be 将要有24 alone 单独,独自一个人,不含感情色彩25 lonely指内心的孤独,地方的荒无人烟,又浓重的感情色彩26 总结:含有情态动词的被动语态 结构:情态动词+be+动分 否:在情态动词后直接+not 疑:把情态动词提前

答:1.九年级月考试英语语法知识点归纳总结 状语从句 状语从句就是由一个句子在复合句中充当状语。所以状语从句又可以分为时间状语从句、地点状语从句、原因状语从句、目的状语从句、结果状语从句等等。每种状语从句都有特定的引导词: (1)地点状语从句:where,wherever (2)时间状语从句:when, while...

答:5)在三餐、四季,球类运动、学科、娱乐运动的名称前,不加冠词 如:have breakfast /supper / lunch,play basketball / football / volleyball / chess , in spring/summer/ autumn/ winter 初中英语语法知识归纳 篇2 1. 被动语态的基本时态变化 被动语态通常为十种时态的被动形式, 被动语态由be+过去分词构成,be...

答:一般现在时 do 一般过去时 did 一般将来时 will do 现在进行时 is(am are)doing 过去进行时 was(were)doing 一般过去将来时 would do 过去完成时态 had done 现在完成时 have(has)done 一、 一般现在时 1、定义 表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态,如能力、特征、性质、身份等。2、构成 1...

答:已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 其他类似问题 2011-07-10 初三英语语法 1599 2014-09-21 一个九年级英语语法知识点 2 2009-02-18 九年级英语语法复习 502 2013-09-01 人教版九年级英语语法全解 6 2014-03-29 九年级英语语法 更多类似问题 > 为你推荐: 特别推荐 接种hpv...

答:九年级英语基本语法知识  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 为什么孔子像会雕刻在美最高法院的门楣之上?窝窝军团小77 2011-01-25 · TA获得超过150个赞 知道答主 回答量:131 采纳率:99% 帮助的人:34.2万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 九年级上册语法知识点总结Unit 1Topic11 it’s + adj...

答:2012-09-04 求“初三重点句型及语法” 17 2013-07-31 八年级上册英语所有单元复习!(重点单词的词性,重点短语,重点... 6 2011-07-20 九年级英语的一些句型和语法 4 2013-04-03 冀教版七年级英语上9单元知识点总结,有,单元单词,重点词组,... 2 2009-09-20 急求!!初中重点语法,句型,短语(人教版...

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答:1.by making flashcards 2. ask sb.for help 3. read aloud 4.that way = in that way 5. improve my speaking skills 6.for example 7. have fun doing sth.8.have conversations with friends 9.get excited about 10.end up speaking in Chinese 11. do a survey about 12. keep an...

答:初三英语1到3单元语法复习提纲。人教版,只要一到三单元。包括重点语法,每个单词的用法。越全面越好,但不要没关系的知识!!!只要一到三单元!!!... 初三英语1到3单元语法复习提纲。人教版,只要一到三单元。包括重点语法,每个单词的用法。越全面越好,但不要没关系的知识!!!只要一到三单元!!! 展开 2个回答...

答:初中英语语法五大基本句型介绍 导语:英语句子是由主语(subject), 谓语动词(verb),宾语(object), 表语(predicative),状语(adverbial),宾语补足语(object complement)等成分组成,按照这些成分的组合方式英语句子可分为五种基本句型。以下是我为大家精心整理的初中英语语法五大基本句型介绍,欢迎大家参考!句型...

