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哪位朋友可以帮我写一篇80字左右的英语作文,Lucky Day

作者&投稿:邱雪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

哪位朋友可以帮我写一篇80字左右的英语作文,Lucky Day

我幸运的一天 My Lucky Day
Today, I wake up early in the morning, because it is the New Year’s Day, when I go out and say hello to the eldership, they will give me the lucky money, I have receive a lot of lucky money. What’s more, when I go to the street, I happen to meet my old friends, we have lost touched for many years, it is a surprise for me.

My Lucky Day
Today is a fine day.And I am very lucky.
In the morning,I’m go fishing in a river with my parents.As time goes by,I am fishing a big fish.I am very happy,but my parents have no one fish.Next,I am fishing a *** all fish,but I still happy.Because my parents still have no one fish.It’s time to go home,I am fishing ten fishs,but my parents are only fishing a *** all fish.In the afternoon,I am playing football with my buddies.MingMing has the ball,he is kicking it to me.I am kicking the ball.It’s a beautiful goal. Next, PingPing has the ball,he is kicking to Mike.Now,Mike has the ball,he is kicking it.It’s a goal.Now,we are winning.
Today I am very lucky.And I am so happy


Do some chores at home (在家做家务)
Is it good for students to do some housework.
Some people think studengts need not do any housework.They think the only thing students need do is to study well. I don’t think so. It is good for students to do some housework for three reason.
Firstly,to do some housework can make you independent.You can’t depend on others all your life.So,you should learn to do some housework now.
Secondly, to do some housework can keep you healthy and strong ,some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise.
Finally, to do some housework can share your parents’ work .They must be happy if you say” Have a rest ,and I will do the housework”
So I think it is good for students to do some housework.


My ideal school
My ideal school day will start at 9:30 a.m. because I like sleeping. The school day finishes at 3:30 p.m. We will have more free time to do other things.
We have an hour for lunch. There is a big and beautiful dining hall. We can eat tasty meals, chat and have a rest in it. We can listen to pop music while we have lunch. It's wonderful.
We have seven subjects. They are Computer Studies, English, Geography, History, Home Economics, Swimming and Tennis. So we have a swimming pool and a tennis court. We also have many s, such as Cooking Lessons, Drama Club, Driving Lessons, Film Club, Reading Club, Singing Group.
We wear school uniforms. Girls wear skirts, white blouses, ties and coats. Boys wear black trousers, white shirts, ties and coats.
There is a beautiful park and some shops near the school. In the school, there is a big library with lots of books.
We don't have homework every day. But we will do some exercises in class. Every month, we go on a school trip. It's interesting
MY ideal school life
My schoollife is not very enjoyble.l hope that there will be an air conditioner in every classroom.if there is air conditioners ,l will never be too hot or too cold,l also want to have more activities in my school because having more activities can make my school life more interesting.l hope that l will study happily every day.



I have a good piece of news to tell you. Next Sunday, I will travel around the countryside with my parents. We will live with my grandfather for a few weeks. I am sure I will enjoy country life with the friendly people, the fresh air and the gentle pace of life. There are some fruit trees.. 全文资讯可以参考英语作文网 :adreep./cz/50216. 。。 开心


I have a lovely bedroom. Please Come and have a look.There is a bed in my bedroom. There is a desk near my bed. There are many interesting book on the desk. I like them very much. There is a big window in my bedroom. There is puter and lamp(灯) on my desk .Every evening, I do my homework under the lamp. The is a model plane on the wall. I have a big shelf near wall. There are many books on the shelf. I like reading very much. Do you like reading?
I think My bedroom is very nice. I like it a lot. 可以吗???


16th Asian Games in 2010 12-27 November in Guangzhou, China, Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing in 1990 held the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asian Games will be 41 events in the history of the Asian Games is the largest event of the session. Guangzhou Asian Games will be held after the 10th Asian Games with disabilities.In March 2004 following a total of four cities hosting the Asian Games: Guangzhou, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul (Seoul), Amman; but the other three bidding cities have been decided to withdraw from the petition. July 1, 2004, the Olympic Council of Asia announced that Guangzhou was the right to host the 16th Asian Games.The emblem of the Asian Games in November 17, 2006 Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Guangzhou announced a grand to the symbol of Guangzhou - "Wuyang statue" as the main contours of this pattern designed to bee the emblem of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games.

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