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高分悬赏!请高手帮忙写一篇关于网络管理方面的英语作文! 请高手帮忙写一篇关于网络道德方面的四级英语作文!

作者&投稿:颛文 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Internet is an international computer network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities, etc. At present, most of people can use computer for working, chatting, playing game, watching the movie and picture, and searching anything by clicking on Internet. Internet is useful assistant for leading you to another world which amazing thing. I think Internet has advantage and disadvantage.
Advantage of Internet is that you can do anything that you want on Internet when it was connected to independent world such as download data, programs, game, picture etc. But Internet has risk to receive spy ware, it attempts to disable or delete anti-spy ware tool and suppress warning massages given to users, it damages your data or system in your computer. Moreover, you have risk to find the bad persons when chat in chat room especially women. You can found the crime news on the newspapers. The news said they have many victim from chatting with unknown people by the victim were believed implicitly. In conclusion, many people still use Internet because it is useful and comfortable.


Value of Knowledge
In the Information Age, public awareness of the value of knowledge critically affects the economic growth of a nation. The schematic diagram clearly shows how the value of knowledge evolved in China in the past 50 years.
The schematic diagram mainly consists of three parts. From 1950 to 1966, the curve was roughly a straight line slightly above zero, showing that China was a poorly-educated nation then. In 1966, the curve drastically dropped below zero, moving down hopelessly in the next 11 years. This period coincided with the "Culture Revolution". Our society went mad then, books were burned, schools were closed and all kinds of academic activities were banned. Knowledge inflicted its masters nothing but disasters. Life was a nightmare for Chinese intellectuals, including famous scholars as well as common people who received higher education or whose profession had anything to do with knowledge. It was a time when ignorance was a virtue and knowledge was a crime. People tried desperately to be away from knowledge. As a result, China lagged farther behind the rapid progressing world. This was the darkest time in the history of New China. The curve returned to its original non-zero position around 1978 and moved up but slowly. From 1984 on, it has been shooting up. The open-up policy encourages people to study and to channel their knowledge to the market economy. Millions of Chinese are bettering off by means of their knowledge and more Chinese enjoy the fruits of knowledge and say goodbye for good to poverty that haunted them for generations.
As our world is rapidly advancing towards the Information Age, increasing number of people realize that knowledge is power and creativity is everything. Only when China becomes a better educated nation, can China be a great nation with international prestige.

Nowadays,INTERNET is so important that we can hardly do jobs without it.But every coin has 2 sides,INTERNET also has many disadvantages. The details are as follows.
On one hand,INTERNET has many advantages.We usually search information or send E-mails for study for it can rise the working efficient.Online-shopping is a new and convenient way to buy things so that it is also popular among the young people.So we can inferm that the INTERNER has a lot of advantages.
On the other hand,INTERNET also has many poor sides.Spending so many time on online games is almost the worst.The result is that people may find they have less interest in the work and study and than getting in a poor circle.Another aspect is that lacking the face-to-face communication,the chatting and trade on the INTERNET become less and less believeable.So we can inferm that INTERNET has many disadvantages.
As the reasons concluded above, the INTERNET has both advantages and disadvantages.Only when we accept the postive aspects and get rid of the poor ones,the INTERNET will be our true and reliable friend.

答:提问者说了,要1000字左右,楼上说的过于复杂。三维动画概述:三维动画业是新兴行业,也可称谓CG行业(Computer Graphics的缩写),做三维动画很有前途。这几年做三维和学三维的人日益增多,三维平台的趋势由高端过渡到低端,不再需要几十万的工作站,一般家庭电脑就可以做出很专业的三维作品,三维动画制作...

《家庭宽带问题!高手进来 高分悬赏》
答:询问宽带公司,一般都是让你重做系统 应该是中毒的可能性比较大,一键还原未必可以消除病毒影响 所以我建议还是重新做个系统,把防护准备做好 再尝试下

答:我无语...我叫语文老师OK了。 什么都没花...

《关于路由上网 掉线,请高手来!》


答:要写一篇作文,高分悬赏,我给80分!帮帮我呀!!! 写一篇作文,题目:你经常把微笑送给别人吗?你曾感激地接受过别人的微笑吗?写一写自己的经历!就是写微笑的经历!!求求各位高手帮帮忙呀!!要写一个事例呀!!... 写一篇作文,题目:你经常把微笑送给别人吗?你曾感激地接受过别人的微笑吗?写一写自己的经历!就是...

《高手帮帮忙!!写篇征文 高分悬赏!好再加分!》
答:高手帮帮忙!!写篇征文 高分悬赏!好再加分! 历史的选择为主题,紧扣主题谈自己的认识和体会,可以畅谈自己是如何把个人成长融入时代发展之中,还可以规划一下,通过这次活动的契机,不断提高和完善自己勤奋学习,敢于创新,创造... 历史的选择为主题,紧扣主题谈自己的认识和体会,可以畅谈自己是如何把个人成长融入时代发展...

答:高分悬赏:写小说问题,望高手帮忙 鄙人很早以前就痴迷于写小说,有的时候灵感一来,似乎按照这样的构想就可以写下去,但真正动起笔来,才发现只开了个头,后面8根本无法写下去,这时我发现要想继续的话,又得推翻以前的... 鄙人很早以前就痴迷于写小说,有的时候灵感一来,似乎按照这样的构想就可以写下去,但真正动起笔...

答:大小写和分段都帮你搞好了,术语方面也没有任何问题。请大姐过目!说老实话,不要出现那么多的“I am ”,这样对你的工作很不好,但是你的原文这样,我只好这样帮助你翻译了。性别用gender,不要用sex,呵呵!分公司用“Wuhan branch”还有什么不满意的,尽管在补充问题里吩咐,我一定帮忙到底。Name : ...

答:0.1.这样是登陆不了google.cn的.你可以自己判断解决 还有就是使用ping命令了.你运行cmd 在出来的窗口中输入ping dns服务器地址 如果没有丢失就说明你可以跟dns连上,那就排除了网卡以及线路问题.只能是你的ie问题,如果需要重装ie请找到c:\windows\inf下的ie.inf右击选择安装(安装过程需要系统光盘)...

